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不同年代有不同的经典童谣:“大头、大头,下雨不愁,人家有伞,我有大头。”(20世纪50年代)“我在马路边,捡到一分钱,把它交到警察叔叔手里边。”(60年代)“分、分,学生的命根;考、考,老师的法宝。”(70年代)“学好数理化,不如有个好爸爸。”(80年代)从20世纪90年代开始,童谣开始“变味”:“上学最早的,是我;回家最晚的,是我;玩得最少的,作业最多的,睡觉最迟的,最累最困的,是我是我还是我。”细察这类童谣多为孩子们的嬉戏之作,或调侃,或揶揄,或嘲讽,或自嘲,或宣泄。有的和韵而唱,自娱自乐,无害也无益;有的“改编”唐诗宋词或流行歌曲,传递着内心的“烦、闷、累”;有的内蕴色情、暴力倾向,低俗下流,听来可怕。总体看来,“好玩、搞笑、流行、时髦”是其动因。作为一种文化,童谣的存在与发展离不开时代的大环境,“灰色童谣”的出现,折射了儿童在现实社会的困惑与窘境。 Different age have different classic nursery rhymes: “big head, big head, worry about rain, people umbrella, I have the bulk.” (1950s) “I was on the roadside, picked up a penny and handed it to the police ”(60’s)“ points, points, student lifeblood; test, test, the teacher’s magic weapon. ”(70’s)“ better mathematical, better to have a good father. ”(80’s) From the 20th century From the beginning of the 90s, the nursery rhymes began to become “sour”: “The earliest class I attended was the youngest to go home; it was me who had the least time to go home, and the most tired and sleepiest who slept most, and I was I am still me. ”Check these children’s rhymes and more for children’s playful, or ridicule, or coy, or ridicule, or self-deprecating, or vent. Some sing with the rhyme and entertain themselves, harmless and useless; some “adaptation” of the Tang poetry and Song lyrics or popular songs, passing the heart of the “annoying, boring, tired”; some intrinsic eroticism, violent tendencies, vulgar Downstream, it sounds terrible. Overall, “fun, funny, popular, fashionable” is its motivation. As a kind of culture, the existence and development of nursery rhymes can not be separated from the great environment of the times. The emergence of “gray nursery rhymes” reflects the children’s puzzles and dilemmas in the real world.
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