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1996年以来,常宁县档案局从适应社会主义市场经济新形势的需要出发,针对全县乡镇档案工作、各种门类档案工作、二级机构档案工作发展滞后和发展不平衡的现状,从转移工作重心入手,抓好“三个转变”,收到了很好的效果,全面推进了这个县档案事业的发展,形成了以文书档案为中心,以各门类档案为依托,以一、二级机构为龙头,以乡镇档案为基础的档案工作新格局。一、把档案工作重心由县直机关转向乡镇, 做到县直机关与乡镇档案工作并举 常宁县是一个农业大县,农村经济体制改革和乡镇档案,是这个县档案工作的一个重要组成部分。他们在抓县直机关档案工作同时,把工作重点转移到乡镇。在抓乡镇档案工作的业务建设中,他们采取 Since 1996, Changning County Archives Bureau, starting from the need of adapting itself to the new situation of the socialist market economy, aiming at the current situation of township archives work, various archives archives work and the secondary institution archives development lagging behind and the unbalanced development, Focus on start, do a good job, “three changes”, received good results, and comprehensively promote the development of the county archives, formed a document file as the center, with all kinds of archives as the basis, with one or two institutions as Leading the archives to the township based on a new pattern of file work. First, the file center of gravity shift from the county organs directly to the township, county and county agencies to do the same file and file work Changning County is an agricultural county, rural economic system reform and township archives, the county archives is an important part. While they were grasping the archives work of the county authorities, they shifted their work to townships and towns. In the construction of township archives business, they take
一面镶着铁锤和镰刀的旗帜从南湖上的那艘朱漆斑驳的红船上升起于是,在这面旗帜下一个民族迎来了第一缕缤纷的晨曦一面镶着铁锤和镰刀的旗帜导引一行跋涉的足迹 A flag wit
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20世纪90年代4月的一天,春光明媚。上海虹桥机场,播音员银铃般的声音:各位旅客请注意,飞往东京的7285航班现在开始检票,请旅客登机了…… 一个身材高大、清秀文雅、鼻梁上架
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