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动物真的可以克隆吗?我想克隆我的狗。动物克隆确实存在,但是,宠物克隆现在还没有。估计以后也不会有。为什么不呢?我觉得有不少人想克隆宠物吧?因为你得考虑这样一个问题:克隆并非复制。克隆是一个独立的生物个体。狗狗先生的克隆产物和它本身唯一的共同点在于基因序列。只是基因序列吗?不是所有的都相同?当然不是!随着克隆科技的不断发展,越来越多的证据显示克隆并非看起来一样或行为一样。比如,得州农工大学的Ted Friend和GregArcher教授克隆了一批小猪。报告显示在克隆猪和正常繁殖的猪并无二致,都存在 Can animals really be cloned? I want to clone my dog. Animal cloning does exist, but pet cloning is not there yet. Estimated that there will not be. Why not? I think a lot of people want to cloned pets, right? Because you have to consider such a question: Cloning is not a copy. Cloning is an independent biological entity. Mr. Dog’s cloned product and its own unique thing in common is the gene sequence. Is it just the gene sequence? Not all the same? Of course not! With the continuous development of cloning technology, more and more evidence shows that cloning is not the same or behaving the same. For example, Ted Friend and Greg Archer at Texas A & M University have cloned piglets. The report shows that there is no difference between cloned and normal breeding pigs
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