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2010年5月24日,本刊主编姚卫伟在一场关于高考作文的讲座中三次解析“绿色”作文。2010年6月7日,江苏省2010年高考作文题揭晓——“绿色生活”。2010年6月25日,由本刊组织承办的第六届中国中学生作文大赛赛题出炉,初中组第27题,高中组第28题,阅读下面的文字,按要求作文:据说,犹太王大卫的戒指上刻有一句铭文:“一切都会过去。”契诃夫小说中一个人物的戒指上也刻有一句铭文:“一切都不会过去。”一位哲人曾说:“成功和失败只代表过去,忘记过去,才可能走进新的天地。”另一位哲人又说:“过去不能忘,因为历史是一个永远的存在。”请自拟标题写一篇不少于800字的文章。2011年6月7日,上海2011年高考作文题揭晓:1.犹太王大卫在戒指上刻有一句铭文:一切都会过去。2.契诃夫小说中的一个人物在戒指上也有一句铭文:一切都不会过去。这两句寓有深意的铭文,引起了你怎样的思考?自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇文章。2011年5月15日,本刊主编姚卫伟在江苏省巡回讲座苏州站和镇江站现场为考生命制的模拟题“标新与立异”“、进取心与平常心”。2011年6月8日,江苏省2011年高考作文题揭晓——“拒绝平庸”。姚老师的命题如此屡屡贴近高考作文题目,热议由此引发。 May 24, 2010, our chief editor Yao Wei Wei in a lecture on the entrance essay three times to resolve “green ” essay. June 7, 2010, Jiangsu Province 2010 college entrance essay question revealed - “green life ”. On June 25, 2010, the sixth Chinese High School Composition Contest Contest sponsored by our magazine was released with the 27th grade in the junior high school group and the 28th grade in the high school group. Read the following text and write as required: It is said that the King David There is an inscription engraved on the ring: “Everything will pass.” There is also an inscription on the ring of a character in Chekhov's novel: “Everything will not pass.” A philosopher once said: “Success And failure only represents the past, forget the past, it may go into a new world. ”Another philosopher said:“ In the past can not forget, because history is an eternal existence. ”Please write a self-title Less than 800 words article. June 7, 2011, Shanghai 2011 college entrance essay question revealed: 1. Jewish King David carved in the ring with an inscription: everything will be past. 2. A figure in Chekhov's novel There is also an inscription on the ring: nothing will go by. Inspired inscriptions of these two sentences, causing your what kind of thinking? From a choice of perspective, self-question, write an article. May 15, 2011, our editor in chief Yao Weiwei roving seminar in Jiangsu Province, Suzhou Station and Zhenjiang station scene simulation questions for the candidates life “new and innovative ” “, ambitious and ordinary ”. June 8, 2011, Jiangsu Province, 2011 college entrance essay question revealed - “Refusal of mediocrity ”. Yao's proposition so often close to the essay topic college entrance examination, the heat triggered by this.
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