
来源 :国外医学.呼吸系统分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijunjie88
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对于急性肺炎时神经系统损伤的认识,意见不一。本文观察了一组青年急性肺炎患者神经系统受损的临床表现。共观察病人300例,均为18~25岁的男性青年,既往无神经系统外伤史。其中75%患者为首次罹患肺炎。全部病人均经胸部X线检查和血液化验所证实,80%于发病后1~2天入院。其中5%的病人入院时有虚性脑膜炎表现,如全身感觉过敏,颈项强直等。但无一例具有脑膜炎、脑炎或精神病的证据。发病后7~10天的基本主诉有:弥漫性头痛者40%,兴奋性增高、易怒者52%,全身无力者60%,睡眠障碍(如易醒、入睡困难、梦多且常为恶梦等)者 Opinions differ on the understanding of nervous system damage in acute pneumonia. This article looked at the clinical manifestations of a group of young patients with acute neurologic impairment of the pneumonia. A total of 300 patients were observed, both male adults aged 18 to 25, no previous history of nervous system trauma. 75% of them are pneumonia for the first time. All patients were confirmed by chest X-ray examination and blood tests, 80% were admitted 1 to 2 days after onset. 5% of patients with virtual meningitis when admitted to hospital performance, such as systemic sensory, neck stiffness and so on. But no case of meningitis, encephalitis or mental illness evidence. 7 to 10 days after the onset of the basic complaints are: 40% of diffuse headache, increased excitability, irritability were 52%, 60% of the general weakness, sleep disorders (such as easy to wake up, difficulty falling asleep, dreams and more often evil Dream, etc.) who
细节决定设计的成败。细节体现设计师的专业素养。在教学中充分引导学生对设计作品细化不懈地追求。指导学生了解细节,关注细节,为学生专业的发展将奠定良好的素质基础。 Th
6环-辛基胺5,8喹啉醌(CQQ)是维生素K和辅酶Q的双重类同物,对结核分枝杆菌几种敏感性和耐药菌株有效。CQQ的结构式: 6-Cyclooctylamine 5,8 Quinolinequinone (CQQ) is a du
什么是颜值?《诗·卫风·硕人》云:“手如柔荑,肤如凝脂,领如蝤蛴,齿如瓠犀。”毫无疑问,这描写的是一个美人。诗人用了一大堆精妙的比喻来写她的美,实在令人叹为观止。然而说了半天,我们还是不知道这位美人的颜值有多高。  其实这正是诗人的高明之处,因为美,实在是一种感觉,只可意会而难言传。正如看到金灿灿的稻谷,我们会生出丰收的喜悦;看到初升的太阳,会感到充满希望;看到雾霾与鳞次栉比的高楼大厦,会感到压抑
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
建立一个框架以获得IberoAmerican国家的新型隐球菌的基本知识。为了获得结果 ,从阿根廷 ,巴西 ,智利 ,哥伦比亚 ,墨西哥 ,秘鲁 ,委内瑞拉 ,危地马拉和西班牙获取临床的 ,兽