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江总书记2000年6月5日在中国科学院第十次院士大会、中国工程院第五次院土大会上的重要讲话中关于创新精神的论述: 这次会议,是两院迎接新世纪的一次盛会。在这世纪交替的重要历史时刻,如何推进我国的科技进步和创新,发挥科学技术第一生产力的重大作用,为我国经济和社会发展不断提供强大的推动力量,使我国在未来激烈的国际竞争中获得新的更大的发展,是我们必须认真思考的重大课题。 面对世界经济和科技发展的新形势,我们必须在全国兴起一个科技进步和创新的高潮。我们要抓紧实施科教兴国战略和可持续发展战略,抓紧国家创新体系建设,抓紧推进科技创新和知识创新,在加强基础科学研究的同时,特别要加快高新技术的发展和产业化,积极推进科技体制改革,加速科技成果向现实生产力的转化,以利大力促进我国的经济建设,提高各行各业的科学技术现代化水平。 General Secretary Jiang’s Statement on Innovative Spirit in the Keynote Address of the Tenth Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Fifth Congress of the Chinese Academy of Engineering on June 5, 2000: This meeting is a grand occasion for the two chambers to meet the new century . At an important historical moment alternating this century, how to promote the scientific and technological progress and innovation in our country and give play to the major role of science and technology as the primary productive force so as to continuously provide a powerful driving force for China’s economic and social development so that in the fierce international competition in the future, To gain new and greater development is a major issue that we must seriously consider. In the face of the new situation in the world economy and in the development of science and technology, we must rise to a climax of technological progress and innovation across the country. We must step up the implementation of the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education and the strategy of sustainable development, pay close attention to the building of a national innovation system and pay close attention to the promotion of scientific and technological innovation and knowledge innovation. In addition to strengthening basic scientific research, we must speed up the development of new and high technologies and industrialization in particular, Reform and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces so as to vigorously promote the economic construction of our country and improve the modernization of science and technology in all walks of life.
一、井冈山区域经济增长点培植原则(一 )培育经济增长点必须扬长避短 ,依托区域优势一个区域在经济发展过程中总需要不断培育新的经济增长点 ,否则就很难快速提高经济增长速
在球场上叱咤风云的NBA球星,虽然也属凡人之列,但好多球星的吃喝穿戴、行为举止又和常人不同,让人觉得怪异和好笑。 吃喝对于日进斗金的NBA All-star NBA players on the c
星座档案 姓名:杨扬 身份:中国女子短道速滑队运动员 籍贯:黑龙江省汤原县 出生日期:1975年7月29日 属相:兔 身高:1米65 体重:59公斤 经历:11岁起开始在黑龙江省七台河市参加
对世界前短跑明星格里菲斯·乔伊娜的猝死,美国医学界有各种分析,但笔者认为他们遗漏了月日引力的激发作用。月日引力对人体的影响有以下四方面。 一、天文低压和气象低压使