Web 2.0如沐春风

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2006年互联网的热点中,Web 2.0无疑首当其冲。它已经远远超脱了单纯技术层面的概念,成就了一个全新意义的网络应用模式,一个真正以所有人参与、互动为基础的网络时代。Web 2.0的出现逆转了网络应用的重心,令以往只能在台下仰望世界变迁的普通人,一举成为了聚光灯下的主角。这对未来互联网应用无疑已产生颠覆性的影响。在Web 2.0思潮的涌动下,闪客、博客、播客、视客、极客、拍客、秀客、维客(wiki,也译为维基)相继迸发,一时间让我们多少有些应接不暇。所谓乱花渐欲迷人眼,那么究竟Web 2.0为何物呢?按照Blogger Don对于Web 2.0概念的诠释,Web2.0是以Flickr、Craiqslist、Linkedin、Tribes、Ryze、Friendster、Del.icio.us、43Things.com等网站为代表,以Blog、TAG、SNS、RSS、Wiki等社会软件的应用为核心,依据六度分隔、xml、ajax等新理论和技术实现的互联网新一代模式。而国内}的Web 2.0应用,则己成就了包括MOP猫扑网、VeryCD、天涯社区等一大批后起新贵。 Among the hot spots in the Internet in 2006, Web 2.0 undoubtedly bore the brunt. It has gone far beyond the purely technical concept and has resulted in a new and meaningful web application model, a truly Internet age based on the participation and interaction of all. The emergence of Web 2.0 reversed the focus of network applications, so that in the past can only look down on the stage of the world’s ordinary people, in one fell swoop as the protagonist of the spotlight. This undoubtedly has a disruptive impact on the future of Internet applications. In the wake of the trend of Web 2.0, flash players, bloggers, podcasters, visitors, geeks, shooters, visitors, wikis (wiki, also translated as wikis) have burst into flames, for a time let us be somewhat overwhelmed . What is Web 2.0? According to Blogger Don’s interpretation of Web 2.0, Web 2.0 is based on Flickr, Craiqslist, Linkedin, Tribes, Ryze, Friendster, Del. icio. us, 43Things. com and other websites as the representative to blog, TAG, SNS, RSS, Wiki and other social software applications as the core, based on six degrees of separation, xml, ajax and other new theories and technologies to achieve a new generation of Internet model. The domestic} Web 2.0 applications, it has been achieved, including MOP Mop net, VeryCD, End of the World community and other large upstart.
端口碰撞等同于电脑号码锁,正确的“号码”为远程访问解开一个特定的TCP或UDP连接服务。它使管理员为了获得内部系统的(通常是基于UNIX)的访问,可以临时绕过防火墙规则。 Th
This paper proposes an algorithm applied in semantic P2P network based on the description logics with the purpose for realizing the concepts distribution of res
【摘要】 科学发展观不仅是指导社会主义现代化建设的世界观和方法论,而且也是指导党的建设和思想政治工作的世界观和方法论。加强和改进思想政治工作的过程,实际上也是全面落实科学发展的过程。  【关键词】科学发展观 宣传 思想政治  随着企业的发展,企业的思想政治工作和企业经济建设一样,都面临着新的变化,这就要求企业思想政治工作既要适应变化的需要,又要适应企业发展需求,这就决定了企业思想政治工作的复杂性、
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