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中国金属学会冶金环境保护首届年会于4月10~15日在北京召开。参加会议的有来自全国79个科研、设计、高校、厂矿等单位的教授、工程师、科技人员以及环保领导干部共119人。会议期间冶金部张益民付部长、环保办李良田主任和国务院环保领导小组办公室曲格平付主任等到会讲了话,强调了环保工作的重要意义,指出了今后环保工作的任务和方向。会上,代表们宣读了论文,并邀请有关专家、学者介绍了国内外环保科技概况和动向,作了学术报告。这次年会共收到各类论文、技术报告138 The first annual meeting of China Metals Society for Metallurgical Environmental Protection was held in Beijing on April 10-15. A total of 119 professors, engineers, scientific and technical personnel and environmental protection leading cadres from 79 research institutes, design institutes, universities, factories and mines in China attended the conference. During the meeting, Zhang Yimin, minister of the Ministry of Metallurgy, director Li Liangtian of the Environmental Protection Office and Qu Geping, director of the office of the Leading Group for Environmental Protection under the State Council, waited until the talks were over, stressing the importance of environmental protection work and pointing out the tasks and direction of environmental protection work in the future. At the meeting, the delegates read the papers and invited relevant experts and scholars to introduce the general situation and trend of environmental science and technology at home and abroad and gave an academic report. The conference received a total of various papers and technical reports
ExpressionofsialylatedmucinassociatedcarbohydratestructuresinhumangastriccarcinomaYIYongFenandCHENGBenKuanDepartmentofPath... ExpressionofsialylatedmucinassociatedcarbohydratestructuresinhumangastriccarcinomaYIYongFenandCHENGBenKuanDepartmentofPath
海南岛的石碌铜矿与毛感铜矿均是含铜量在1%以上的富矿。前者是氧化矿,后者是混合矿,可采用直接酸浸的工艺流程处 Shilu copper mine in Hainan Island and hair copper are
EfectofHelicobacterpyloriinfectionongastricepithelialproliferationinprogressionfromnormalmucosatogastriccarcinomaLIUWenZhon... EfectofHelicobacterpyloriinfectionongastricepithelialproliferationinprogressionfromnormalmucosatogastriccarcinomaLIUWenZhon
一、问题的提出 设备是构成生产力三要素中一个重要组成部分,设备的维修、改装和更换是维持再生产和扩大再生产必不可少的过程。 美国六十年代年维修费用为140亿美元,七十年
本计量装置是按容量来测定喷入高炉煤粉的重量。在我国目前电子秤尚未完全过关的情况下,可作为高炉喷煤粉计量的一种代用设备。 The measuring device is based on the capa