The process development and product application of Tisco DSS

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:petitlxr
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DSS have high strength,high corrosion resistance and good welding properties.Comparing with the same corrosion resistance level austenitic stainless steel,DSS decrease largely Ni content and realize the thinning of thickness design to perfectly optimize properties and decrease costs.Now DSS have been widely used in many fields such as petroleum,chemical industry,paper production,shipbuilding,nuclear power, seawater desalting,vacuum salt production and architecture.Tisco have began the process development and product application research of DSS products from last century and gradually solved a lot of technical problems such as AOD nitrogen alloying control of various content DSS,high temperature deformation mechanism of thermal process,large deformation hot rolling process of coils,the effect of bad phase precipitated during hot treatment process on properties and high efficiency pickling of high Cr/Mo content DSS plates.The various alloy content DSS plates and wide cold rolling coils(3Re60,S32101,S32304, S31803,S32205,S32750 and SUS329J4L) were successfully developed and used in national important constructions,key industries and abroad projects. DSS have high strength, high corrosion resistance and good welding properties. Comparing with the same corrosion resistance level austenitic stainless steel, DSS decrease largely Ni content and realize the thinning of thickness design to perfectly optimize properties and decrease costs. Now DSS have been been used widely in many fields such as petroleum, chemical industry, paper production, shipbuilding, nuclear power, seawater desalting, vacuum salt production and architecture.Tisco have started the process development and product application research of DSS products from last century and gradually solved a lot of technical problems such as AOD nitrogen alloying control of various content DSS, high deformation deformation of rolling process, large deformation hot rolling process of coils, the effect of bad phase precipitated during hot treatment process on properties and high efficiency pickling of high Cr / Mo content DSS plates. The various alloy content DSS plates and wide cold rolling coils (3 Re60, S32101, S32304, S31803, S32205, S32750 and SUS329J4L) were successfully developed and used in national important constructions, key industries and abroad projects.
1987年8月21日,西吉县西滩乡伊斯兰学校在“儿曼”节期间,发生117人食物中毒,经流行病学及实验室诊断为猪霍乱沙门氏菌所致,现报告如下。一、流行病学调查 8月20日下午3时,
1982年临沧县卫生防疫站开展钩端螺旋体病流行病学调查,从猎人捕获的黄麂(Muntiacus reevesi)肾 Epidemiological investigation of leptospirosis was conducted in Linca
据《周方周末》报道 ,四川省阆中市有个逢人就要钱的“疯子”郑国杰。1998年5月 ,他屡屡威胁欺诈运输个体户李茂润。李茂润几次向派出所求援 ,但民警置之不理。5月16日 ,郑“疯子”在
病历摘要 患者,男性,54岁。于83年6月2日因鼻咽癌放疗后而入院化疗。休检时发现黄染。患者自幼黄染,感冒后加重,不伴有其它症状。1947年(患者18岁)因其它原因就医,曾被诊断