
来源 :人民之声 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodelvtu
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今年4月18日,揭西县人民法院依法公开宣判了一宗离婚案,群众无不拍手称快,知情者皆言县人大常委会又为民办了一件好事。这是一宗拖了11年之久的马拉松式离婚案。原告张娜是一名小学女教师,15年前她尚在农村务农时与邻村农民蔡佑明结婚,次年生一子蔡小华,日子过得倒也快活。1982年张娜顶替其父职业成为一名小学教师。这是一项崇高的职业,本可以更幸福地生活和工作。但事与愿违,从此踏上了她悲惨的生活历程。蔡佑明在妻子走上讲台后并不感到高兴,而总是怀疑妻子地位变迁后将抛弃自己,在这种心态的驱使下,他时时处处看妻子不顺眼,轻则谩骂,重则殴打,更有甚者,他经常溜达在张所在学校周围,若发现张与男教师稍微接近,则上前对张大打出手。张娜在苦不堪言的情况下,向所在学校领导反映,准备申请离 On April 18 this year, the Jiexi County People’s Court publicly declared a divorce case in accordance with the law, and the public clapped their hands and said that the insiders of the Jieyang County People’s Congress Standing Committee held another good thing for the people. This is a marathon divorce case that has dragged on for 11 years. The plaintiff, Zhang Na, was a primary school female teacher. She married Cai Youming, a farmer in the neighboring village, 15 years ago while still working in the rural areas. In 1982 Zhang Na replaced his father’s occupation to become a primary school teacher. It is a noble profession that I could have lived and worked happily ever after. However, contrary to expectations, since then set foot on her tragic life course. Tsai Yau-ming was not happy after his wife took to the podium. She always suspected her wife would abandon her status after her change of status. Under this mentality, he always looked at his wife’s dislike, ranging from verbal abuse to heavier beating and more Moreover, he often strolls around the school where Zhang is, and if Zhang finds himself slightly closer to the male teacher, he moves forward to play Zhang. Zhang Na miserable circumstances, reflect the leadership of the school where they are prepared to apply for leave
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小组合作学习作为一种课堂教学方法在全世界范围内大规模发展,本文通过结合文化产业与艺术管理浅谈小组合作在该专业中的应用和反思。 As a classroom teaching method, gro
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