Discovery of the Upper Permian series in Cuoqin Basin,Xizang (Tibet) and its geological significance

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangwd_clily
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During the field work,one assumption has been made according to the lithologic,especially the paleotogic characteristics observed. The assumption is that the Upper Permian series should exist in Aduogabu which is in Xiadong Town, Gaize County, Tibet. This assumption was verified by the results of paleontologic identification. Accordingly it can be concluded that During the field work, one assumption has been made according to the lithologic, especially the paleotogic characteristics observed. The assumption is that the Upper Permian series should exist in Aduogabu which is in Xiadong Town, Gaize County, Tibet. This assumption was verified by the results of paleontologic identification. It it can be approving that
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