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在全党开展以实践“三个代表”重要思想为主要内容的保持共产党员先进性教育活动中,要解决的问题很多,其中一个重要方面,就是要把党中央的要求和各单位要解决的问题统一起来,把党的先进性的总体要求和党员的先进性具体体现统一起来,进而激发广大党员把先进性要求落到实处。首先,要坚持思想上领先。辩证唯物主义认为,思想是行为的先导,科学理论对实践具有强大的推动作用。要把先进性要求落到实处,必须以科学理论武装头脑,坚定对“三个代表”重要思想的政治信仰。要坚定对“三个代表”重要思想的政治信仰,就要做到真知、真信、真用。真知,就是要真正把 In carrying out the educational activities of practicing the important concept of “three represents,” the entire party has many problems to be solved in maintaining the advanced nature of party members. One of the important issues is to make the party central committee’s requirements and all units The problems to be solved should be unified to unify the overall requirements of the advanced nature of the party with the concrete manifestation of the advanced nature of party members so as to inspire the vast majority of party members to carry out the requirements of advanced nature. First of all, we must uphold the ideological lead. Dialectical materialism holds that thinking is the precursor to conduct and that scientific theory has a powerful impetus to practice. To carry out the requirements of advanced nature, we must arm our minds with scientific theories and firmly adhere to the political belief in the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ To firmly adhere to the political belief in the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we must be truth, truth and truth. True knowledge, is to really put
不少人一生中要搬好几次家:结婚时搬一次,有孩子以后搬一次,家庭成员更多时搬一次,到孩子们长大搬出去住后再搬一次……总是这样没完没了地搬家不仅费钱,也费时间——这已成为千家万户的最大难题。为此,英国人龄化建房协会推出与实施的人龄化建房艺术正在兴起。    Science art-1:建筑符的“人兽化设计”——    找建筑师来设计既满足眼下的需要又满足长远要求的家,也许是解决上述问题最简单的方法。客
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