
来源 :遵义医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:babaxsj
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骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)是一组以难治性贫血和(或)伴有其他血细胞减少,而骨髓增生和形态异常的多相性骨髓病。现将我院所见一例报告如下: 熊某,男,13岁。因进行性苍白、乏力3个月于1985年12月24日入院。伴畏寒,低热及关节疼痛,近一月来见双下肢淤斑,渐全身有出血点。既往体健,否 Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a group of heterogeneous bone marrow diseases with refractory anemia and / or associated with other cytopenias, with myeloproliferation and morphological abnormalities. Now see a hospital in our hospital as follows: Xiongmou, male, 13 years old. Due to progressive pale, fatigue for 3 months in December 24, 1985 admission. With chills, fever and joint pain, see the lower extremity ecchymosis in the past month, gradually bleeding point. Past physical health, no
有 Sr 增加的 A357 合金的团结过程在这份报纸被调查。特别地,锶的效果和 -Al 树突和 Al-Si 上的冷却的率最容易溶解的典型温度被微分热分析(DTA ) 描绘。Sr 增加不仅修改 Al-
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