High quality metal-quantum dot-metal structure fabricated with a highly compatible self-aligned proc

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyzyk413026
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A self-aligned process to fabricate a “metal-quantum dot-metal” structure is presented, based on an“electron beam lithography, thin film deposition and dry etching process”. The sacrificial layers used can improve the lift-off process, and novel lithography layouts design can improve the mechanical strength of the fabricated nanostructures. The superiority of the self-aligned process includes low request for overlay accuracy, high compatibility with a variety of materials, and applicable to similar structure devices fabrication. Finally, a phase change memory with fully confined phase-change material node, with the length width height of 2554530 nm~3 was demonstrated. A self-aligned process to fabricate a “metal-quantum dot-metal” structure is presented, based on an “electron beam lithography, thin film deposition and dry etching process.” The sacrificial layers used for improve the lift- off process, and novel lithography layouts design can improve the mechanical strength of the fabricated nanostructures. The superiority of the self-aligned process includes low request for overlay accuracy, high compatibility with a variety of materials, and applicable to similar structure devices. Finally , a phase change memory with fully confined phase-change material node, with the length width height of 2554530 nm ~ 3 was demonstrated.
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