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随着改革开放的进一步推进,现有干部人事制度的滞后,不仅明显地制约着人才的发现、选拔和使用,而且助长了腐败的滋生和蔓延。我们常说的国际间的竞争实质上是人才的竟争,那么,人才竞争的实质又是什么呢?是制度和体制的竞争。所以在干部选拔中,有必要进行制度创新和程序创新。制度创新和程序创新具有根本性和导向性。不进行制度创新和程序创新,各种不正当的、扭曲的竞争将屡禁不止,吏治腐败等现象将难以遏制。制度创新和程序创新的目的是为了更加公正、公平地选拔优秀干部。用公正的制度和程序规范干部选拔,优秀人才才能脱颖而出。结合干部培养、选养工作实际,我认为,在干部选拔中存在着三个主体,这三个主体的有机结合,才能真正体现公正与公平,惟有公正与公平,优秀人才才能脱颖而出。一、三个主体的结合应成为干部选拔的基本形式在干部选拔中存在着的三个主体,实际是指组织领导部门,我们称之为组织主体;群众参与干部选拔,我们称之为群众主体;作为选拔对象的干部,我们称之为人才主体。所谓用人公正,就是在组织主体,群众主体,人才主体之间确定一种合理的结构关系。以往的选任规定中对组织主体的权利有比较明确的规定,而对群众主体、人才主体的权利往往有所忽略,基本上是以组织主体为主,群众主体次之,人才主体无权参与。干部选拔制度的创新和程序的创 With the further promotion of reform and opening up, the lagging behind of the current cadre and personnel system has not only obviously restricted the discovery, selection and use of qualified personnel, but also contributed to the breeding and spreading of corruption. What we often say is that international competition is essentially a human resources competition. So what is the essence of human resources competition? It is the competition of systems and systems. Therefore, in the selection of cadres, it is necessary to carry out institutional innovation and procedural innovation. Institutional innovation and procedural innovation are fundamental and guiding. Without institutional innovations and procedural innovations, all kinds of unfair and distorted competition will continue to be banned and corruption and other official corruption will be hard to stop. The purpose of system innovation and procedural innovation is to select outstanding cadres more justly and fairly. To use an impartial system and procedures to standardize the selection of cadres will enable outstanding talents to stand out. In combination with the actual training of cadres and the actual selection and maintenance of work, I think there are three main bodies in the selection of cadres. The organic combination of the three main bodies can truly reflect fairness and fairness. Only impartiality and fairness can talent stand out. First, the combination of the three main bodies should be the basic form of the selection of cadres There are three main bodies in the selection of cadres, actually refers to the organization of leading departments, which we call the main body of the organization; the masses participate in the selection of cadres, which we call the main body of the masses As cadres to be selected, we call them the main body of talent. The so-called employment of justice, that is, in the organization of the main body of the masses, the main body of talent to determine a reasonable structural relationship. In the old elective rules, there was a clear stipulation on the rights of the main body of the organization. However, the rights of the main body and the main body of the masses were often neglected. The main body of the organization was dominated by the main body of the organization. The main body of the people was not entitled to participate. Innovation of cadre selection system and creation of procedures
[Objective]To screen the optimum medium of Ganoderma lucidum liquid fermentation. [Method]Effect of different carbon sources on mycelial growth of G. lucidum su
涟源是湖南很重要的一个产煤区,但煤产量却无法满足周边地区化工、钢铁、发电等能耗产业的高需求。供不应求的煤炭,按理说应以市场调节的方式提高价格,却走向了掺杂使假的另一个极端。这背后有着怎样深层次的原因?      2008年7月,在湖南涟源市一个偏僻的小山村里,简易的粉碎机轰轰作响,几个当地人在一个竹竿搭成的棚子里,将成堆成堆的煤矸石、油土粉碎,掺杂到原煤当中,再成车成车地运往电厂。涟源是湖南很重要