
来源 :华北农学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackyzero123
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利用RAPD分子标记方法对我国 4 6个骨干玉米自交系进行了鉴定研究 ,结果表明 ,仅用A6 ,C6 ,D2 ,F10 ,H19,N19等 6个引物的指纹组合即可将这 4 6个自交系相互区分开来 ,不需要针对每个自交系筛选特异性标记 ,克服了利用特异性标记鉴定玉米自交系的局限性 ;研究出基于WINDOWS98操作平台的玉米DNA指纹数据库和指纹分析软件。并且该数据库和分析软件对自交系的数量和引物数量都是开放性的 ,如果要区分开m个自交系 ,最多只用n个引物即可 ,二者的关系是 :2 n≥m。 RAPD markers were used to identify 46 inbred lines of maize in China. The results showed that only 46 fingerprints of A6, C6, D2, F10, H19 and N19 could be used for fingerprinting Inbred lines are distinguished from each other, no specific markers need to be screened for each inbred line, and the limitation of using specific markers to identify inbred lines of maize is overcome. A corn DNA fingerprint database and a fingerprint analysis based on the WINDOWS98 operating platform are developed software. And the database and analysis software are open to the number of inbred lines and the number of primers. If we want to distinguish m inbred lines, only n primers can be used at most, the relationship between the two is: 2 n ≧ m .