高校学报是以反映高等院校哲学社会科学研究成果为主要内容的学术性刊物 ,质量是学报的生命和立足的根本 ,因此 ,学报要坚持正确的舆论导向 ,促进学术理论研究与文化交流 ,注重登载论文的学术性、创新性和实践性。本文通过对当前高校学报学术论文质量存在问题的分析 ,对进一步提高高校学报学术论文质量的几个观点进行了阐述。
Academic journals are academic journals that reflect the results of philosophical social science research in institutions of higher learning. Quality is the essence of journals’ life and foothold. Therefore, journals must adhere to the correct orientation of public opinion, promote academic research and cultural exchange, and pay attention to Papers published academic, innovative and practical. By analyzing the existing problems in the quality of academic journals in university journals, this article elaborates several views on how to further improve the quality of academic journals in university journals.