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农民朋友在使用农药防治病、虫、草害中,由于缺乏农药使用技术和知识,经常出现一些技术问题。下面向农民朋友介绍一下农药使用的技术要点。用药前必须弄清所用药剂的防治对象和使用方法各种农药都有它特定的性能,有的只能杀虫,有的只能防病,有的只能除草,有的只限于防治一定的病害、虫害或杂草。如错用农药,或乱用药型,既浪费了农药,又难以控制病虫危害,有的还会产生药害。要解决这个问题,用药前必须弄清所用药剂的防治对象和使用方法,参照说明书用药,切不可乱来。 Farmers and friends in the use of pesticides to prevent diseases, insects, grass and pests, due to the lack of use of pesticides and knowledge, there are often some technical problems. The following to farmers talk about the technical points of pesticide use. Before treatment, we must clarify the use of pesticides and methods of prevention and control of various pesticides have its specific properties, and some can only insecticide, and some can only prevent disease, and some can only weeding, and some confined to the prevention and treatment of certain Diseases, insect pests or weeds. Such as the wrong use of pesticides, or indiscriminate use of drugs, both waste of pesticides, but also difficult to control pests and diseases, and some will have phytotoxicity. To solve this problem, medication must be clear before using the object of prevention and treatment, refer to manual medication, must not be disturbed.
中华医学基金会 (ChinaMedicalBoard ,以下简称CMB) ,成立于 1914年 ,作为美国洛克菲勒基金会的一部分开始筹建北平医学院 (中国协和医科大学前身 )。192 8年CMB从洛氏基金会分出 ,在纽约州注册 ,成
九里香(Murraya paniculata)叶可用于治疗痢疾,具有抗金黄色化脓微球菌和大肠杆菌的活性。已从该植物中分离出多个香豆素和咔唑生物碱。本次又从中分离并鉴定出1个新的天然
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看见 SamsungDigimax V5的外型,必然会令你想起某些其他品牌的产品.事实上 Digimax V5的外型并没有甚么独特之处.其按钮分布及界面设计也是一般货色,不过 Digimax V5却有多
柯达公司生产的M 7B自动洗片机性能优良 ,设计合理 ,在国内大、中型医院中广泛使用。自动洗片机显影温度的高低 ,是影响摄片质量的主要因素。本文主要对其显影温度控制电路的原
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