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古人云:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。这就是说浓厚的兴趣是刻苦钻研的强大动力,只要有兴趣,即使无人督促,学生也能积极主动去学习和探究。在具体的学习实践中,只要学生对学习语文产生兴趣,就会想学语文,爱学语文,自然就会把语文学好。作为一名中职语文教师,应结合语文学科的特点,善于把握职校生学习的兴趣点和有效的教学切入点,不断更新观念,创新教学方法,着力提高学生的学习能力,激发学生学习语文的兴趣,调动他们学习的积极性,激励学生参与教学活动,发挥学生的主体作用。 The ancients said: those who know better than the good ones, the good ones are not as good as the musicians. This means that strong interest is a powerful motivation to study hard, as long as you are interested, even if no one urged, students can also take the initiative to learn and explore. In specific learning practice, as long as students are interested in learning Chinese, they will want to learn Chinese and love Chinese, and they will naturally learn Chinese well. As a secondary language teacher, we should be good at grasping the points of interest and effective teaching points of vocational school students in accordance with the characteristics of Chinese subject, constantly updating concepts, innovating teaching methods, making efforts to improve students ’learning ability and stimulating students’ learning of Chinese Interest, mobilize their enthusiasm for learning, encourage students to participate in teaching activities, play the main role of students.
棉花枯萎病是一种真菌性病害。目前在我国传播迅速,发病严重。我们认为对棉花枯萎病的防治,很值得研究棉花和枯萎病病毒之间的分子识别问题。本实验收集三大棉 Fusarium wi
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经三十年培育与试验,在美国板栗山苗圃,得到一株新的板栗杂交种。它被称为“汤斯顿(Dunston)”板栗。据报道,它抗板栗树皮真菌病。这种真菌病毁灭了本地种—美州栗。 “汤斯
从表现为褐斑或纹枯症状的小麦上分离到两种不同的丝核菌分离物。菌丝融合鉴定表明前者属月Rhizoctonia solani AG-4;后者属Rhizoctonia cerealis AGD(即CAGl)。两种分离物在
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