
来源 :青海民族大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sumjoy
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1972年,恩格斯的《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》(以下简称《起源》)在纽约世界出版社出版,美国女民族学家利科克为此撰写了《导引》,从9个方面展开论述,并详细地介绍了《起源》的基本思想,结合新旧材料讨论了一些古老而常新的话题。这9方面是:《起源》和《古代社会》的关系,“诸阶段”的概念,进化论的政治含义,原始共产制的性质,原始社会的亲属关系与婚姻,专偶制的产生和妇女的屈服,恩格斯对妇女屈服的论断带来的政治分歧,国家的兴起,民族学的理论方法问题。《起源》和摩尔根的《古代社会》的科学价值引起一些人的嫉妒和中伤,通行的做法是把《起源》归为《古代社会》,把摩尔根设定为代表单线进化论的稻草人,借攻击摩尔根来影射恩格斯。作者对这种跪着造反或“扎稻草人”的态度进行了坚决的驳斥,并以新材料补充与说明两本书,对《起源》的局限作了宽容的解释,强调不能把作为民族学方法论的辩证唯物主义与具体的经验材料混为一谈,为此专门分析和评判了马文·哈里斯标新立异的手法。利科克介绍了恩格斯开创的女性学,归纳了这一方法的要旨,展示了该研究领域的前景,为《导引》增添了一个闪光点。国内对《〈家庭、私有制和国家的起源〉的美国版导引》早有传闻,但至今很少人接触到原文,而国外已掀起几番讨论的热潮,尤其引起从事民族史、人类学和田野考古的女学者的热议,最近10年仍未平息,许多著述加以引用,推动了马克思主义的话语融入人类学,涌现出一批关注国家形成过程中性别角色转型的人物。摩尔根的著作在中国影响深远,老一辈学者大多专注于《起源》与《古代社会》的思想联系,中青年学者关注100多年来的新资料给《起源》带来的挑战与注入的活力。目前,国内越来越多的女学者加入性别研究。为了延续国内外的研究传统,译者不揣冒昧将这篇英文导引译出来以飨国内读者,并根据《导引》作者的良苦用心,重拟了标题。 In 1972, Engels’s “The Origin of Family, Private Ownership and State” (hereinafter referred to as “Origin”) was published in New York World Press. The American female ethnologist Leecock wrote the “Guide” for this purpose, starting from nine aspects Discussed and introduced the basic idea of ​​“origin” in detail, and discussed some old and new topics with new and old materials. These nine aspects are: the relationship between “origin” and “ancient society”, the concept of “phases”, the political implications of evolutionism, the nature of primitive communism, the kinship and marriage of primordial societies, Women’s submission, Engels’s subjugation of women’s political disagreements brought about by the rise of the state, ethnological theory and methods. The origins and the scientific values ​​of Morgan’s “ancient society” cause envy and slander in some people. The common practice is to classify “origin” as “ancient society” and set Morgan as the scarecrow who represents the one-pronged theory of evolution Attack Morgan to enfold Engels. The author resolutely refuted this attitude of kneeling and rebel or “scarecrow” and added and illustrated two books with new materials, giving a tolerant explanation of the limitations of “origin”, stressing that we should not regard as a nation Studying methodological dialectical materialism and concrete experience materials are confused, for which we analyze and judge Marvin Harris’s unconventional approach. Li Cork introduced the feminist study pioneered by Engels, summarized the essence of this method, demonstrated the prospect of the research field, and added a bright spot for “guiding”. Domestic rumors about the U.S. version of “The Origins of Family, Private Ownership and Country” have long been reported, but so far few people have come into contact with the original texts. However, there have been discussions in other parts of the world that have triggered a wave of controversy, especially in the areas of ethnographic history, anthropology and fields Archaeologists’ hot debates, which have not subsided for the past 10 years and are cited by many works, have promoted the integration of Marxist discourse into anthropology and the emergence of a group of people who are concerned with the transformation of gender roles in the process of state formation. His works have far-reaching influence in China. Most scholars of the older generation focus on the ideological connection between “origin” and “ancient society.” Young and middle-aged scholars pay more attention to the challenges brought by “new origins” and the vitality infused with them over the past 100 years . At present, more and more female scholars in China join in gender studies. In order to continue the research tradition both at home and abroad, the translator does not try to interpret this English guide as a domestic reader and re-compiles the title according to the author’s good intentions.
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什么是测土施肥技术? 农作物除从空气和水中吸收碳、氢、氧等营养外,还要从土壤中吸取氮、磷、钾、硫、钙、镁……等营养元素,来满足生长发育的需要。然而,光靠土壤本身提供
【摘 要】随着社会经济的发展,人们生活水平渐渐提高,家居软装饰的设计风格也慢慢从以往比较单一的设计方式转变得多样化,并得到了较好的发展。本文主要从现代家居软装饰的现状及设计中出现的问题展开分析,将江南民间的土布设计直接应用到现代家居软装饰设计中,以期为现代家居装饰提供一种全新的设计方法及视觉感受。  【关键词】现代家居 软装饰 包装 民间土布  随着科学技术的飞速发展,很多人越来越追求环保、健康的