
来源 :华南预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Fukuki
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目的 分析广州市医务人员传染性非典型肺炎 (SARS)流行的基本特征 ,探讨流行因素 ,评价防制措施 ,为医疗卫生单位开展SARS收治及预防控制工作提供指导。方法 采用统一调查表对医务人员SARS患者进行流行病学调查 ,采用定性研究方法对医院SARS流行影响因素、预防控制措施及其效果进行调查 ,资料采用描述性流行病学方法分析。结果 广州市医务人员首例SARS患者发病时间为 2 0 0 3年 1月 1 3日 ,截止 5月 5日共有 2 9家医疗卫生单位报告医护人员发病 2 80例 ,占全市总病例数的 2 6 0 7%。医务人员发病高峰在 2月上、中旬 ,共有 1 6 7例 ,占医务人员发病总数的 5 9 6 4 % ,呈明显聚集性。 4月后病例为零星散发。病例主要集中在 1月下旬前开始收治SARS患者 (对SARS尚缺乏认识的时期 )的 6家医院 ,占总病例数的 73 2 % (2 0 5 / 2 80 )。调查 1 80例医务人员SARS患者中 92 2 2 %直接参与过SARS患者的救治工作。采取定点收治患者、加强医院病区通风、加强医护人员自身的个人防护等综合措施后 ,2月下旬开始 ,医务人员的新发SARS病例明显减少。结论 控制SARS在医务人员中流行的关键措施是 :(1 )要对出现SARS症状的患者高度警惕 ,及时诊断并隔离患者 ;(2 )严格按照操作规范做好个人防护措施 ;(3)收治区要合理? Objective To analyze the basic characteristics of epidemic of SARS among medical staff in Guangzhou, discuss the epidemic factors, evaluate the preventive measures and provide guidance for the medical units to carry out SARS treatment and prevention and control. Methods A questionnaire was used to carry out epidemiological investigation on SARS patients in medical staff. The influencing factors, prevention and control measures and their effects of SARS epidemics in hospitals were investigated by qualitative method. The data were analyzed by descriptive epidemiology. Results The onset time of the first case of SARS among medical staffs in Guangzhou City was January 13, 2003. As of May 5, 29 medical units reported 280 cases of medical staffs, accounting for 2 6 0 7%. The peak incidence of medical staff in the month of February, mid-term, a total of 167 cases, accounting for 59.64% of the total number of medical staff, was significantly aggregated. Cases sporadic after April. The cases mainly focused on 6 hospitals that started SARS patients before the end of January, a period of lack of awareness about SARS, accounting for 73.2% (205/580) of the total number of cases. Investigate 92 2 2% of the medical staff SARS patients in 180 cases directly involved in the treatment of SARS patients. After adopting comprehensive measures such as targeted treatment of patients, strengthening ventilation in hospital wards and strengthening personal protection of medical staff themselves, the number of newly-emerged SARS cases among medical staff decreased significantly in late February. Conclusion The key measures to control SARS among medical staff are: (1) to be vigilant to patients with SARS symptoms, to diagnose and isolate patients in time; (2) to make personal protective measures in strict accordance with the operating rules; (3) To be reasonable?
目的 调查临床使用的严重急性呼吸综合征 (severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS)预防药物的有效性和安全性 ,为前瞻性临床试验设计提供临床数据。 方法 回顾性问卷调查山