Coherent beam combination of two fiber amplifiers with multi-dithering technique

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vrace_zh
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Coherent beam combination of two W-level fiber amplifiers with multi-dithering technique is demonstrated.In the experiment,the master laser is split into two channels.Multi-dithering technique is used for phase control.One channel is modulated with a 100 kHz sine wave produced by signal generator,and DSP lock-in amplifier is used for electric signal processing in the feedback loop.When the phase control loop is off,the far field interference pattern is blurred and dynamic with 20% fringe contrast.When the feedback loop is closed,the far field interference pattern is clear and stable with 72% fringe contrast,and 75% coherent combination efficiency is achieved. Coherent beam combination of two W-level fiber amplifiers with multi-dithering technique is displayed in the experiment, the master laser is split into two channels. Multi-dithering technique is used for phase control. One channel is modulated with a 100 kHz sine wave produced by signal generator, and DSP lock-in amplifier is used for electric signal processing in the feedback loop. When the phase control loop is off, the far field interference pattern is blurred and dynamic with 20% fringe contrast. is closed, the far field interference pattern is clear and stable with 72% fringe contrast, and 75% coherent combination efficiency is achieved.
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