
来源 :云南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hewanjiang1975
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一、建立人民政权迎接南下大军正當南下大軍勝利進行淮海戰役,基本上消滅國民黨反动派軍事實力之後,滇桂黔邊區人民武裝鬥爭也有了大大的發展,到一九四九年三月我区八個县,除文山縣城外,都已獲得解放;四月间八縣人民政权先後建立,六月初專署正式成立於西疇,此後不斷在對敌鬥爭、反霸、減租中提高了羣众覺悟,鞏固了解故地區,因而在今年一月初第四、第二野戰軍由桂西進入我区時,百万人民即掀起了迎軍熱潮,据初步統計:人民獻纳物資計:粮食三、一六五、○○○市斤、布鞋三一五五七双,草鞋九五四二一雙,猪肉一八○四五斤,西疇、麻栗坡人民并從數百里外趕來慰勞服務,如逢佳節,解除了进軍中一切困難,迅速追殲殘耻,解放全雲南。二、開始和平建設今年一月專署进入文山城,和平建設開始,自三月起,在云南省人民政府领导下,進行了整編、徵粮、稅收、貿易金融,文教建设、民政公安各項工作,而以徵粮工作為中心。為了保证供給,恢复与發展生產,進行國家建設,我們負起了徵收一 I. Building People’s Power, Meeting the Army Under the South, Legitimately Enjoying the Great Victory, Conducting the Huaihai Campaign and basically eliminating the military strength of the Kuomintang reactionaries. The armed struggle of the people in the border areas of Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou has also undergone tremendous development. By March 1949, In addition to Wenshan County, counties have been liberated. In April, the people’s governments in the eight counties were established. In early June, the agency was formally established in Xichou. Since then, it has continuously raised awareness and consolidated the masses in fighting against enemies, fighting against hegemonism and rent reduction. Therefore, when the fourth and the second field army entered our district from western Guangxi in early January of this year, millions of people set off a wave of greeting troops. According to preliminary statistics, the people contributed materials: grain III and 165, ○○○ pounds, cloth shoes, three five five seven pairs, sandals nine five forty-two pairs of pork, 18445 pounds, Xichou, Malipo people and from hundreds of miles to come to comfort services, such as every Festival, lifting all the difficulties into the army, quickly chasing the wreck, liberation of Yunnan. 2. Beginning Peaceful Construction In January this year, the agency entered Wenshan City and peace construction began. Since March, under the leadership of the Yunnan Provincial People’s Government, various agencies have been engaged in the work of reorganizing, collecting grain, taxation, trade and finance, culture and education, and civil affairs and public security , While the center of the levy of grain work. In order to ensure supply, recovery and development of production and nation-building, we have imposed a
大理專署是在一九五○年二月一日成立的,由於我區解放较晚,工作幹部质量都弱,因此工作難於展開,半年多以來,具體工作做得太少,現在只能择其要點綜合報告如下: 甲、財政方面:
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