Intensity modulation characters of orthogonally polarized HeNe lasers with different optical feedbac

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kunjian99_Gmail
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This paper demonstrates the intensity modulation characters of orthogonally polarized HeNe lasers with different optical feedback level generated by the variable reflectivity of external reflector.The modulation depths of the orthogonally polarized frequencies are increased when the optical feedback level becomes strong.It also observes that the modulation amplitudes are different for different external cavity length.Based on the vectorial extension of Lamb’s semi-classical theory,it finds that the calculations are consistent with the experimental results. This paper demonstrates the intensity modulation characters of orthogonally polarized HeNe lasers with different optical feedback level generated by the variable reflectivity of external reflector. The modulation depths of the orthogonally polarized frequencies are increased when the optical feedback level becomes strong. It also observes that the modulation amplitudes are different for different external cavity length. Based on the vectorial extension of Lamb’s semi-classical theory, it finds that the calculations are consistent with the experimental results.
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