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(一)虽然百龄作家杨绛与现代文学史上赫赫有名的新诗大家林徽因(1904—1955)、冯至(1905—1993)、何其芳(1912—1977)、卞之琳(1910—2000)等人先后做过同事乃至近邻,但在其长达80年的写作生涯里,她看上去尽管戏剧、散文和小说门门皆精,却似乎偏偏与新诗无缘。形成这一状况的个中缘由可能很复杂,但起码可以沿着如下三个方向试着探究一下。其一,叙事类体裁与抒情类体裁本就矛盾,所以像巴金(1904—2005)和茅盾(1896—1981)等小 (A) Although the author of the book, Yang Jiang, is well known in the history of modern literature, many famous poets such as Lin Huiyin (1904-1955), Feng Zhi (1905-1993), He Qifang (1912-1977), Bian Zhilin (1910-2000) She has been a colleague and even a neighbors, but in her 80-year writing career, she seems to have missed the new poem though she is full of drama, prose and novelism. The reasons for forming this situation can be complicated, but at least you can try to explore the following three directions. First, narrative genre and lyrical genre contradictions, so like Ba Jin (1904-2005) and Mao Dun (1896-1981) and other small