The first constitution of New China, that is, the May 4th Constitution, did not establish a substantive constitutional review system. During the May Fourth Constitutional period, people became vague about their unconstitutional problems and failed to form a way of resolving the constitutional problems systematically. The constitutionalists, however, take a disregarded attitude toward constitutional review and fail to give any room for unconstitutional review in the May Fourth Constitution: on the normative basis, the May 4th Constitution follows the notion of democracy rather than power, The organs of power do not impose constitutional restraints; on the norm of right, the May 4th Constitution denies the confrontation of fundamental rights and excludes the rights safeguarding function that runs counter to censorship. The current Constitution of August 2 has inherited the basic model of the May Fourth Constitution. The predicament of the present constitutional censorship system is very similar to the predicament of the unconstitutional censorship system under the May Fourth Constitution.