High-power electro-optic switch technology based on novel transparent ceramic

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmilygang8751
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A novel high-power polarization-independent electro-optic switch technology based on a reciprocal structure Sagnac interferometer and a transparent quadratic electro-optic ceramic is proposed and analyzed theoretically and experimentally.The electro-optic ceramic is used as a phase retarder for the clockwise and counter-clockwise polarized light, and their polarization directions are adjusted to their orthogonal positions by using two half-wave plates. The output light then becomes polarization-independent with respect to the polarization direction of the input light. The switch characteristics, including splitter ratios and polarization states, are theoretically analyzed and simulated in detail by the matrix multiplication method.An experimental setup is built to verify the analysis and experimental results. A new component ceramic is used and a nonpolarizing cube beam splitter(NPBS) replaces the beam splitter(BS) to lower the ON/OFF voltage to 305 V and improve the extinction ratio by 2 d B. Finally, the laser-induced damage threshold for the proposed switch is measured and discussed.It is believed that potential applications of this novel polarization-independent electro-optic switch technology will be wide,especially for ultrafast high-power laser systems. A novel high-power polarization-independent electro-optic switch technology based on a reciprocal structure Sagnac interferometer and a transparent quadratic electro-optic ceramic is proposed and analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The electro-optic ceramic is used as a phase retarder for the clockwise and counter-clockwise polarized light, and their polarization directions are adjusted to their orthogonal positions by using two half-wave plates. The output light then becomes polarization-independent with respect to the polarization direction of the input light. The switch characteristics, including splitter A new component ceramic is used and a nonpolarizing cube beam splitter (NPBS) replaces the beam splitter (BS) to lower the ON / OFF voltage to 305 V and improve the extinction ratio b y 2 d B. Finally, the laser-induced damage threshold for the proposed switch is measured and discussed. It is believed that potential applications of this novel polarization-independent electro-optic switch technology will be wide, especially for ultrafast high-power laser systems.
明朝初年,有一知府姓曹,自称曹操后代。一日,他去看戏,正逢演《捉放曹》。扮演曹操的赵生把曹操的奸诈阴险表演得惟妙惟肖,曹知府见自己祖先被辱,不觉大怒,当即派差役传赵生治罪。  差役欲带赵生,赵生不明其故,差役告之,赵生即随差役进府。曹知府见赵生昂然而来,拍案喝道:“尔等小民,见本府怎不下跪?”赵生瞪眼回答道:“大胆府官,既知曹丞相前来,怎不降阶而迎?”曹知府气得脸色铁青:“你,你,谁认你是曹丞相?
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