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在年初召开的省政协七届一次会议上,有位新委员,而且是宾馆饭店系统唯一的一位省政协委员。他,就是来自宁波亚洲华园宾馆的程浦先总经理。会议期间,记者专门采访了他。一、临难受命扭亏为盈亚洲华园宾馆位于宁波市马园路,火车站旁,北斗河畔,交通十分便利。1984年底由香港海通公司、华利公司和宁波市旅游公司三方共同投资筹建。次年8月,中共宁波市委组织部首次公开招聘干部,10月,这位原在宁波第二针织厂的化纤工程师被正式调入华园,参加宾馆的筹建工作。1987年,华园正式开业。开始几年,宾馆由港方管理人员和中方共同管理。“管理公司”抓得非常严,对员工的素质要求也很高。这就为华园的起步和发展打下了良好的基 At the first meeting of the Seventh Provincial Political Consultative Conference held at the beginning of the year, there was a new commissioner and the only CPPCC member in the hotel and restaurant system. He is the general manager of Cheng Pu from Ningbo Huayuan Hotel. During the meeting, the reporter interviewed him specifically. One, Lin Mu ordered a turnaround for profit Asia Huayuan Hotel is located in Ningbo City Ma Road, next to the train station, Beidouhe, the transportation is very convenient. By the end of 1984 by the Hong Kong Haitong Company, Wal-Mart and Ningbo Tourism Company tripartite investment to build. The following year in August, the Organization Department of CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee open recruitment of cadres for the first time, in October, the former chemical fiber engineer in Ningbo No. 2 Knitting Factory was officially transferred to China Garden to participate in the preparation of the hotel. In 1987, Huayuan officially opened. The first few years, the hotel management by the Hong Kong side and the Chinese side. “Management Company” caught very strict, the quality of the staff is also very demanding. This laid a good foundation for the start-up and development of Huayuan
德尼·狄德罗(1713.10.5—1784.7.31) 你以为什么东西都会吃坏我的肚子的吗? 安德烈·比利《狄德罗传》(1932);莱斯特·G.克罗克《狄德罗:接受挑战的哲学家》(1966) 1784年7
据英国德温特出版公司出版的《化学专利文摘》1991年第3期报道,日本研制的一种新型的Al-Cu-Mg-Li合金获得专利权,专利号为JO 2290-952,1990年11月30日公布。 According to
摇臂钻床内外柱夹紧力的大小,直接影响到机床在大切削时足够的夹紧力,可避免切削过程中的摆动。为此,我们采取了如下措施,取得了满意的效果。 Rocker drilling machine ins
天津市某电镀厂,有30多年发展历史。1970年以前,该厂地面一直沿用沥青胶泥砌瓷砖。由于沥青不耐氧化性酸,粘结性差,使用时间不长便有渗漏现象,影响生产正常进行。 1974年,采
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