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通江县积极探索贫困山区农村卫生改革新路,不断深化农村卫生产权制度改革,采取卖、租、股、并、联等试点探索,已对辖区内19个乡(镇)卫生院进行了拍卖,5个乡卫生院进行了合并,2个乡卫生院分别实行了股份制改造和租赁制管理。两年来的改革实践证明:农村卫生产权制度改革为通江卫生事业发展带来了生机,符合县情,深得民心。一、解放思想,不断深化农村卫生产权制度改革的认识我县农村卫生产权制度改革全而推行以后,引起了社会广泛关注,既有上至国家卫生部,下至普通老百姓的关心和支持,更有来自各方面的压力和阻力,特别是习惯于旧制下“大锅饭”“铁饭碗”的卫生院职工忧心忡忡。为此,我们反复组织卫生系统广 Tongjiang County actively explored new rural health reforms in poverty-stricken mountainous areas, continuously deepened the reform of the rural health property rights system, and explored trials of selling, renting, stocks, mergers, and joint ventures, and auctioned 19 township (town) health centers in the area under its jurisdiction. Five township health centers were merged, and two township health centers implemented shareholding system reform and lease system management respectively. The reform practice over the past two years has proved that the reform of the rural health property rights system has brought vitality to the development of the Tongjiang health industry, and it has met the county conditions and won the hearts of the people. I. Emancipating the mind and continuously deepening the understanding of the reform of rural health property rights system After the implementation of the reform of rural health property rights system in the county, it has aroused widespread concern in the society, ranging from the Ministry of Health to the care and support of ordinary people. There are pressures and resistance from all sides, especially those who are accustomed to the old system “big pot” “iron rice bowl”. To this end, we have repeatedly organized a wide range of health systems.
最近,我们约请参加北京市卫生工作的一次会议几位赤脚医生和农村基层医务工作同志,座谈了学习毛主席关于理论问题重要指示的体会,现摘要整理如下。 Recently, we invited so
编辑同志: 我热心支持合作医疗的事传开以后,不少同志想让我讲些体会。我认为,毛主席指引我们办合作医疗,改变了农村缺医少药状况,为我们贫下中农带来了幸福。这个社会主义