
来源 :长安大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanbingxingshi
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为研究检测车辆横向偏移对车辙深度计算结果的影响,根据实测13点激光数据构建车辙曲线,运用MATLAB软件编制了相应的横向偏移模拟程序,以偏移前后车辙深度的绝对误差和相对误差为指标,分析轻、重2个严重等级车辙在不同偏移距离和左、右2个偏移方向的深度误差变化规律与原因。研究结果表明:检测车辆横向偏移距离越大,车辙深度的绝对误差和相对误差均逐渐增大;车辙深度的绝对误差最大低估6.4mm,相对误差达到29.2%,横向偏移产生的绝对误差会造成车辙严重等级的低估,可能导致路况评价与养护决策的误判;车辙深度误差主要受最深辙槽位置、槽壁坡度和隆起高度、宽度等横断面形态特征的影响。检测车辆行驶应偏向最深辙槽和槽壁坡度大的方向以全面获取最深辙槽形态,减少横向偏移对车辙深度计算结果的影响。 In order to study the influence of vehicle lateral displacement on the calculation of rutting depth, a rutting curve was constructed based on the measured 13-point laser data and a corresponding lateral displacement simulation program was compiled by using MATLAB software. The absolute error and relative error of rutting depth before and after offsetting As the index, the variation regularities and reasons of the depth error of two serious severity rut at different offset distances and left and right offset directions were analyzed. The results show that the absolute error and the relative error of the rutting depth increase with the detection of the vehicle transverse offset distance. The maximum absolute error of the rutting depth is underestimated by 6.4mm and the relative error is 29.2%. The absolute error The underestimation of the serious level of rutting may lead to the misjudgment of road conditions evaluation and conservation decision-making. The depth error of rutting is mainly affected by the shape of the most deep groove, the height and width of the groove wall. The detection vehicle should be biased towards the direction of the deepest and the slop of the groove wall so as to fully obtain the shape of the deepest groove and reduce the influence of the lateral deviation on the calculation of the rutting depth.
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