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写春联放飞一只只报春的喜鹊放飞一声声报晓的鸡鸣在红红的霞云中展翅在红红的瑞气中欣喜吐露富足的情感倾诉来年的祈祝握锄的手也握起笔蘸满兴奋蘸满劳动者的自豪让新居红润脸颊让门楣映出吉祥写春联迎来第一缕春风迎来鸡年的曙光岁月在春联下流动可今次的字句却最有分量一笔? Write couplets fly a magpies that only report spring fly as soon as the cock crows in the red clouds in the wings of the sky in the red gas pleased to reveal the rich emotions confused the coming year’s hand grip hoe also hold a pen dipped Full of excitement dipped in the proud workers to let the new home ruddy cheeks so that the frieze reflects the auspicious Spring Festival usher in the first ray of spring ushered in the dawn of the Year of the Rooster in the Spring Festival can flow under the current words but the most weight?
第一部分 :听力 (共两节 ,满分30分 )第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分 ,满分7.5分 )听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题 ,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项 ,并标在试卷的相应位置
以前我的物理成绩不怎么样,一直在及格线附近徘徊。 后来,来了个新老师。他大约40岁,头秃秃的,戴着一副擦得发 In the past, my physical grades were not good, and I hav
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评价是教师手中的利刃。除瘤剜毒。一刀见效,学生渴望之;如若运用不当,就如悬在学生头上的利剑,不是手到病除,而是斩草除根,让一棵棵幼苗彻 Evaluation is a sharp edge in
Trudy,anAmericangirl,triedswim-mingacrosstheEnglishChannel.ThatwasAugust6,1962.Herfatherhad 1 hertwothings.Onewasnottopullheroutofthewater 2 sheasked.Theotherwa