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建立现代企业制度是社会主义市场经济进入新世纪所面临的一个必然话题,是我国社会主义市场经济发展的客现要求和必然趋势,更是现行企业运行机制改革与创新的必然选择。根据我国当前的具体国情,党的十五大将我国现代企业制度的内容概括表述为16个字:“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”。现代企业制度的概述从法的角度来说,现代企业制度究竟包括哪些方面?我想,现代企业制度从法制方面来说,包含着实质和形式两个方面。现代企业制度的实质方面要件首先是所有者支配,企业的收益法定地归企业的出资者所有。西方国家的大企业、小企业,面对市场的激烈竞争,一般都能够随时、及时、迅速地应对,处惊不乱,高效率地经营;一旦跟不上市场变动,决策错误,竞争失利,则可依法退出,依照企业公司法、证券法、诉讼法、破产法等,从从容容地退出。那么在这里,我们不能忘记有基于所有者自身利益的内在冲动在里边, Establishing a modern enterprise system is an inevitable topic faced by the socialist market economy in the new century. It is also the objective and inevitable trend of the development of the socialist market economy in our country. It is also the inevitable choice for the reform and innovation of the current enterprises' operating mechanism. According to China's current specific national conditions, the 15th National Congress of the CPC generalizes the content of China's modern enterprise system as 16 words: “Clear property rights, clear powers and responsibilities, separation of government from enterprises and management science ”. Overview of the modern enterprise system From the perspective of law, what are the modern enterprise systems? I think the modern enterprise system contains both substantive and formal aspects from the aspect of legal system. The essential elements of the modern enterprise system are, above all, at the owner's disposal, and the revenues of the enterprise are statutory to the funders of the enterprise. Large enterprises and small enterprises in the western countries are generally able to respond promptly, promptly and promptly in the face of keen competition in the market. They operate in an efficient and efficient manner. Once they fail to keep up with changes in markets, making mistakes in decision-making, losing competition, You can withdraw according to law, in accordance with the company law, securities law, litigation law, bankruptcy law, etc., from calmly withdraw from. Well here, we can not forget that there is an inherent impulse based on the owner's own interests,
又停水了,妈妈和几个邻居提着水桶准备去郊外提水。“我也去。”我找来一根棍子当扁担,挑着两只小桶紧跟在后面。大伙见了都担心地说:“你能行吗?”我神气十足地说:“当然行。”  一路上,小桶晃个不停,像匹野马。我驯服了它,得意洋洋地哼起歌儿来。到了井边,我想:水桶装了水挑起来容易吗?哗啦哗啦,水装进水桶,我马上去挑。妈妈微笑着说:“慢点儿!”我忍不住,拿起扁担套上绳子,挑起就走。每走一步,水桶就晃一下。
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1 电源容量问题的提出,还得从使用谈起:黄河车装水井钻机,因其车装的机动性,获得了较普遍地应用,随着生产的发展,作为一个机组,要配备三个班和一个杂务斑(机长、地质员、司