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在这个经济飞速发展的社会,人类对资源的需求与对环境的重视早已上升到了一个新的层面。资源是社会经济发展的基础,而环境则是人类赖以生存的家园与栖息地,资源与环境的有机结合是我国经济突飞猛进并可持续发展的有力保证。近些年来,我国的建筑业随着房地产的火热也在不断发展,国家与政府在建筑行业在投入了高度的重视,因此推行建筑节能成为了一个社会性的问题。在“十一五”期间我国也重点强调并推广在建筑业中节能的重要性,而对于可再生能源的广泛应用,对于建筑节能至关重要,是建设资源节约型社会的首要任务。 In this rapidly developing economy, human needs for resources and the emphasis on the environment have risen to a new level. Resources are the basis of social and economic development. Environment is the homeland and habitat where mankind depends. The organic combination of resources and environment is a powerful guarantee for our country’s rapid economic growth and sustainable development. In recent years, with the real estate boom in China’s construction industry continues to develop, the state and the government put a high priority in the construction industry, so the implementation of building energy conservation has become a social problem. During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, our country also emphasized and promoted the importance of energy conservation in the construction industry. For the wide application of renewable energy, it is very important for building energy conservation and the most important task in building a resource-saving society.
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爱立信公司和沃尔沃公司新年伊始实施联手行动:共同赢得了为邮电部提供7个车载 AXE10公共网络交换机合同。这是记者2月12获悉的。 Ericsson and Volvo are implementing a
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最近,我们对湖南省桃江县的30家工商企业职工结构情况进行了调查,发现当前基层企业职工结构的家庭化、亲属化问题已相当普遍。 Recently, we investigated the structure o
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