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新课程倡导“自主、合作、探究”的理念,自主探究是学生学会学习的重要保障,合作学习是学生分享学习成果的有效方式。课改之路,历经十二载,回顾其间的风雨历程,我们的课堂是否真正体现了这一教学理念?笔者想就贯彻“自主探究、合作交流”理念中的问题,作一些思考,试图抛砖引义。一、自主探究,营造彰显个性的环境1.课堂中自主探究的误区。(1)有内容无问题的探究。一次在听“三角形的面积”公开课时,上课教师借助情境图引入课题后, The new curriculum advocates the concept of “autonomy, cooperation and exploration.” Self-exploration is an important guarantee for students to learn learning. Cooperative learning is an effective way for students to share their learning outcomes. The course of curriculum reform, after twelve years of reviewing the ups and downs during the course, whether our classroom really embodies this teaching philosophy? I want to implement the “independent exploration, cooperation and exchange,” the concept of the problem, make some thinking, Trying to raise the bar First, independent exploration, to create a personal environment to highlight 1. Classroom self-exploration of the errors. (1) There is no problem to explore the content. Once listening to “the area of ​​the triangle” open class, the class teacher with the help of context map into the subject,
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China has become the largest nonferrous metalsconsumer country in the world. Along with thehigh-speed development of industrialization,China’s demand for nonf