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由中国贸促会电子行业分会组织的“首届中国消费类电子产品技术展览会”于1994年5月19日~22日在新西兰的奥克兰市展览中心的皇家展厅举行,来自全国9个省市的30家厂商参加了此次展览会,展品有1000多件,60多个品种,主要有电视机、录音机、录像机、音响、随身听、电话机、家用电脑、电冰箱、电池、汽车电器、汽车音响、微波炉、电饭煲、消毒柜等厨房用具、电熨斗、吸尘器、电子门铃、应急灯及各种灯具、火灾报警器。高科技产品有联想486、586微机,红外热像仪。中国驻新西兰大使李金华及奥克兰市政府官员巴勃特先生为展览会剪彩。此次展览在新西兰产生了很大的影响,新西兰政府的官员和各界人士参观展览后非常直率地说,过去以为中国只能出口服装、鞋帽,没想到中国也能生产这么多物美价廉的电子产品,对与中国做生意表现出很大热情。在贸易和合作方面,此次展览会也取得了较大成功,共签订正式合同4份,意向合同十几份,为我国电子产品打入新西兰市场打下了良好的基础。 The First China Consumer Electronics Technology Exhibition organized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) was held on May 19th to 22nd, 1994 at the Royal Exhibition Hall of the Auckland City Exhibition Center in New Zealand. 30 companies from 9 provinces and cities across the country The manufacturers participated in the exhibition. There are more than 1,000 exhibits and more than 60 varieties. The main products are televisions, tape recorders, video recorders, stereos, players, telephones, home computers, refrigerators, batteries, car appliances, car stereos, etc. Microwave ovens, rice cookers, sterilizers and other kitchen appliances, electric irons, vacuum cleaners, electronic doorbells, emergency lights and various lamps, fire alarms. High-tech products include Lenovo’s 486, 586 microcomputers and infrared thermal imagers. Chinese ambassador to New Zealand Li Jinhua and Auckland city official Mr. Barbt cut the ribbon for the exhibition. The exhibition had a great influence in New Zealand. New Zealand government officials and people from all walks of life visited the exhibition very frankly. In the past, they thought that China could only export clothing, shoes and hats. It did not happen that China could produce so many things at a reasonable price. Electronic products show great enthusiasm for doing business with China. In terms of trade and cooperation, the exhibition also achieved great success. It signed 4 formal contracts and more than 10 intention contracts, laying a good foundation for China’s electronic products to enter the New Zealand market.
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大概是在一年多前的这个时候,“复关”——恢复中国GATT(关税与贸易总协定)缔约国资格——曾是举国关注的热门话题。 更早些,有关专家就预言,中国复关早则在1993年上半年,迟
美国丽明顿刮脸刀有一则令人难忘的对比式广告:“从前每片刮10人,次后刮13人。如今可刮200人”。通过“从前”、“次后”、“如今”三个不同时段的对 The United States’s
火车开了30多个小时,到达贵阳的时候,天还未全亮。天空灰蒙蒙的,吹着刺骨的寒风,还下着冰冷的毛毛细雨,南国的这个城市,在雨中显得孤独而寂静。 The train opened more than