
来源 :中华儿女(海外版)·书画名家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vickyfucandy
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60年过去,苏联消失在了时间的轴线上,如今怎样去侦讯它与新中国之间彼此的映照,一次画展又荡漾起许多的往事记忆。1953年新中国第一批青年美术家来到了那片土地,虔诚治学耕耘理想,回国后为新中国美术事业的推动和发展付出艰辛的努力,以至影响深远。为了纪念新中国公派青年美术家留学苏联60周年,中国美术馆推出“20世纪中国美术之旅——留学到苏联”美术作品展,这是留苏一代美术家群体第一 In the past 60 years, the Soviet Union disappeared on the axis of time. Now how to probe the mutual reflection between it and New China, there is a lot of past memories in the exhibition. In 1953, the first group of young artists in new China came to the land and piously worked hard to perfect their ideology. After returning to China, they made arduous efforts for the promotion and development of the new Chinese fine arts and even far-reaching influence. In order to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of young public art academy in New China to study in the Soviet Union, the National Art Museum of China launched the “20th Century Chinese Art Tour - Studying in the Soviet Union” and the first art exhibition in the Soviet Union.
随著无线通信的发展,设备制造商和元器件供应商都越来越注重产品的“体积小、性能好、价格便宜”的特性。砷化镓 HBT(GaAs HBT)技术可以实现上述三个特性,在某些应用上 Wit
  This work presents a novel electrochemical study on Al-Li alloys via codeposition of Al and Li on a molybdenum electrode from LiCl-KCl-AlCl3 melts at 663 K.
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我国著名地质科学家黄汲清、李春昱二教授,以他们长期献身地质科学事业所取得的突出成就和作出的重要贡献,蜚声中外,赢得了人们的普遍尊敬。最近他们在八十高 Prof. Huang
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