受种植结构调整和气候因素影响 全国夏粮减产油菜籽增产

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从国家统计局获悉,据对夏粮主产区抽样实测和非主产区预计,今年全国夏粮比上年减产1100万吨;而油菜籽增产104万吨。国家统计局今天发布的对全国夏粮主产区的抽样实测显示,今年全国夏粮总产量10750万吨,减产幅度达9.3%。在减产的21个省区市中,江苏减产296万吨,山东减产258万吨,安徽减产158万吨,河北、湖北、甘肃、山西、河南等地分别减产在50万吨以上。据分析,调整农业种植结构、减少部分粮食品种的播种面积是今年夏粮减产的主要因素。近年来,由于粮食价格持续低位运行,种粮比较效益下降,加之北方春小麦、长江以南一些小麦品种退出保护价,今年农民适时调减了粮食播种面积。据统计,今年夏粮播种面积2952万公顷,比 It is learned from the National Bureau of Statistics that according to the actual sampling and non-main producing areas of main summer grain producing areas, the national summer grain output will be reduced by 11 million tons over the previous year while that of rapeseed will increase by 1.04 million tons. Statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics today show that the total output of summer cereal crops in the country totaled 107.5 million tons this year, a reduction of 9.3%. Among the 21 provinces and municipalities that cut production, the output of 2.96 million tons was reduced in Jiangsu, 2.58 million tons in Shandong and 1.58 million tons in Anhui, while the output in Hebei, Hubei, Gansu, Shanxi and Henan was reduced by 500,000 tons respectively. According to the analysis, adjusting the agricultural planting structure and reducing the sown area of ​​some grain varieties are the major factors in reducing the summer grain output this year. In recent years, due to the continuous low grain prices, less effective grain planting, combined with the northern spring wheat, some wheat varieties south of the Yangtze out of protection price, this year, farmers reduced the sown area of ​​grain. According to statistics, 2952 million hectares of summer grain crops are planted this year
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