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为解决农村合作基金会清理整顿和供销社社员股金兑付以及部分城市信用社撤并而发生的个人储蓄存款兑付等问题,切实化解地方金融风险,确保社会稳定,省政府对中央财政担保,向国务院申请的政府专项再贷款,已先后由省财政厅分次分批转贷各地。按再贷款有关规定,各地必须按时足额还本付息。但从前一阶段执行情况看,有的地区对此项工作重视不够,未能严格按照规定还本付息,直接影响到省财政厅向银行转付还本付息资金。为了加强地方政府专项再贷款还本付息工作,根据省政府主要领导同志意见,特通知如下:一、各地对政府专项再贷款工作要引起足够重视, In order to solve the problems of clearing up and reorganization of rural cooperative foundations and the payment of share repayments of members of the supply and marketing cooperatives and the personal savings deposits that some urban credit unions have taken over, the local financial risks should be effectively resolved to ensure social stability and the provincial government guarantees the central finance. The government-specific special loan application applied by the State Council has been successively transferred to various places by the Provincial Department of Finance in batches. According to the relevant provisions of the reloans, all localities must pay their debts in full and on time. However, from the implementation of the previous phase, some regions did not pay enough attention to this task and failed to repay principal and interest in strict accordance with the regulations, which directly affected the transfer of repayments of principal and interest by the Provincial Department of Finance to the banks. In order to strengthen the local government special loan repayment of principal and interest, according to the views of the leading leaders of the provincial government, special notice as follows: First, all over the government special reloan work should pay enough attention,
伊犁哈萨克自治州,各州、市人民政府,各行政公署,自治区人民政府各部门、各直属机构: 现将自治区地方志编纂委员会《关于加快我区地方志编纂工作若干问题的请示报告》转发给
《在庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十周年大会上江泽民总书记的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》,是我们明确修志指导思想,编好社会主义新志书的极为重要的理论指导。 新疆的政治机构从
对不同Zn含量的Sn Zn Cu系焊料开展研究,系统研究Zn含量对Sn Zn Cu系无铅焊料合金力学性能、铺展性能以及焊接界面的影响。实验结果表明:随着Zn含量提高,焊料的铺展面积性和