Microstructures and properties of transient liquid phase diffusion bonded joints of Ni_3Al-base sup

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huli890615
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An investigation of transient liquid phase (TLP) diffusion bonding of a Ni 3Al base directionally solidified superalloy, IC6 alloy, was presented. The interlayer alloy employed was Ni Mo Cr B powder alloy. The results show that the microstructure of the TLP diffusion bonded joints is a combination of γ solid solution (or a γ+γ′ structure) and borides. With the bonding time increasing, the quantity of the borides both in bonding seam and adjacent zones is gradually reduced, and the joint stress rupture property is improved. The obtained stress rupture property of the TLP bonded joints is on a level with the transverse property of IC6 base materials. [ The investigation of transient liquid phase (TLP) diffusion bonding of a Ni 3Al base directionally solid superalloy, IC 6 alloy, was presented. The interlayer alloy employed was Ni Mo Cr B powder alloy. The results show that the microstructure of the TLP is a combination of γ solid solution (or a γ + γ ’structure) and borides. With the bonding time increasing, the quantity of the borides both in bonding seam and adjacent zones is gradually reduced, and the joint stress rupture property is improved. The obtained stress rupture property of the TLP bonded joints is on a level with the transverse property of IC6 base materials. [
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