深入贯彻全国全省科学大会精神 进一步推进科教兴滨战略的实施

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当今世界,和平与发展是主流,以经济实力为基础的综合国力竞争越来越激烈。由于新技术革命的蓬勃兴起,科技进步已经成为经济增长的主要推动力,经济实力的竞争,实质上是科技水平的竞争。谁在科技发展上取得了领先水平,谁就在经济发展中占据了优势地位。中华民族要立足世界强林之列,就必须坚定不移地实施科教兴国的战略,首先在科学技术发展上赶超世界先进水平。作为经济欠发达的滨州地区,要尽快赶上全国、全省的发展步伐,确保“九五”末实现小康目标,到2010年基本实现现代化,更必须把推进科技进步作为振兴滨州的战略任务来抓。 In today’s world, peace and development are the mainstream. The overall national strength based on economic strength is increasingly fiercely contested. Thanks to the booming new technology revolution, scientific and technological progress has become the main driving force for economic growth. The competition of economic strength is essentially competition at the scientific and technological level. Who has achieved the leading level in the development of science and technology, who occupy a dominant position in economic development. To base itself on the list of strong forests in the world, the Chinese nation must unswervingly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education. At first, it must surpass the advanced world standards in science and technology development. Binzhou, an underdeveloped economy, should catch up with the pace of development throughout the country and the province as soon as possible so as to ensure that the goal of well-being in the world at the end of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is achieved. By 2010, it will be essential to promote scientific and technological progress as a strategic task of rejuvenating Binzhou. Grab.
现在企业里有一种令人难解的怪现象:庙富方丈愁。按理说企业效益好,完成利润多,作为厂长应该高兴才是,愁从何来? Now there is a strange phenomenon in the business: Tem
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一、加快非国有经济发展的必要性 党的十四届三中全会指出了我国社会主义市场经济体制的历史任务,提出了要实现这一目标就必须坚持以公有制为主体、多种经济成份共同发展方