
来源 :工程机械与维修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liqingxian1986
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《工程机械与维修》杂志“维修论坛”栏目自2000年7月开办,至今已一年有余。栏目开办一年来,交流了工程机械维修理论、实践经验等信息,启迪了思维,传播了经验,达到了预期目的。从2001年年初进行的读者调查反馈意见看,相当数量的读者把“使用维修”栏目列为最喜爱的栏目之一,而“维修论坛”的开办更给杂志增添了新的亮点,吸引了又一批读者。一年多来,“工程机械维修研究会”给予“维修论坛”极大支持,委派6位专家参与了该栏目的工作。已刊出的文章内容涵盖了工程机械维修的发展方向、现代化、故障检测诊断技术和维修策略的研究等内容,研讨了本行业内所普遍关心的热点问题;作者均为本领域的专家,高水平的作者队伍和专家组的推荐保证了栏目的质量。如徐滨士院士的“21世纪的机械维修──绿色再制造”一文把21世纪的维修方向展示给读者,该文一经刊出,即受到读者的广泛关注,引起行业内较大反响。 在“维修论坛”栏目开办一周年之际,“维修论坛研讨会”于2001年6月20日在北京举行。应邀参加会议的有多年致力于维修理论研究的学者、长期从事设备管理的专家、高校相关专业的教授,还有经验丰富的长期从事维修设备、专用配套件、专业维修的各方面专家。会议开得热烈、求实 “Construction Machinery and Maintenance” magazine “Maintenance Forum” column since July 2000 to start, so far more than a year. Columns opened a year ago, the exchange of construction machinery maintenance theory, practical experience and other information, enlightenment thinking, dissemination of experience, to achieve the desired purpose. According to the feedback from readers survey conducted in early 2001, a considerable number of readers have listed “use and maintenance” as one of their favorite sections, and the opening of “maintenance forum” has added new highlights to the magazine and attracted A group of readers. Over the past year, “Construction Machinery Maintenance Research Association” gave “Maintenance Forum” great support, appointed six experts involved in the work of the column. The published articles cover the development direction of construction machinery maintenance, modernization, fault detection and diagnosis techniques and maintenance strategies, etc., and discuss the hot issues of general concern in the industry. The authors are all experts in the field, with high The quality of the sections is ensured by the recommendations of the level authors and expert groups. For example, Prof. Xu Binshi’s article entitled “Machine Maintenance in the 21st Century - Green Remanufacturing” presents readers with the direction of maintenance in the 21st century. This article was widely read by readers and aroused great repercussions in the industry. On the first anniversary of the “Maintenance Forum”, the “Maintenance Forum Seminar” was held in Beijing on June 20, 2001. Invited to attend the meeting has many years of commitment to the maintenance of theoretical research scholars, has long been engaged in equipment management experts, university professors, as well as experienced in the long-term maintenance equipment, special accessories, professional maintenance of all aspects of experts. The meeting opened warmly and truthfully
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