安德烈·克泰斯(Andre Kertesz)1894年生于匈牙利的布达佩斯。6岁时,他见到一本有插图的杂志,便断定自己能用照相机达到跟画图同样的作为。1912年,从商学院毕业后,他买了一架照相机,拍摄布达佩斯街头巷尾的风情。第一次世界大战爆发后,克泰斯应征入伍在奥匈军队中服役,他随身带着照相机,在巴尔干和中欧的战壕中拍下战友们的活动,直至在战斗中负伤。即使在养伤期间,克泰斯也没有中断摄影,《潜泳》是在医院的游泳池拍摄的。由于光线的折射,水中的人体稍微有
Andre Kertesz was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1894. When he was 6 years old, he saw an illustrated magazine and concluded that he could do the same with the camera on the camera. After graduating from business school in 1912, he bought a camera to photograph the streets of Budapest. After the outbreak of World War I, Katsis enlisted to serve in the Austro-Hungarian army. He took a camera with him and captured his comrades in the trenches of the Balkans and Central Europe until wounded in the fighting. Ketais did not interrupt photography even during recuperation, and “snorkelling” was shot at the hospital’s swimming pool. Due to the refraction of light, the body of the water is slightly there