Varieties and Cultivation Application of Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims)

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  Abstract This paper summarized the nutritional value, use, botany characteristics, cultivation status and common varieties of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims). It aims to provide a basis for the cultivation and development of passion fruit.
  Key words Passion fruit; Cultivation application; Variety
   Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims), also known as Baixiangguo, Xifanlian, Yangshiliu, Qingrenguo, etc., is a tropical and subtropical perennial vine in Passiflora L. of Passifloraceae. Because the fruit contains more than 165 kinds of aroma substances, and its juice can exude a rich complex flavor of pineapple, pomegranate, lemon, mango, peach, banana, watermelon, dark plum, lychee, strawberry, etc., it is called as Baixiangguo[1-2].
  Nutritive Value
  Passion fruit is rich in pectin, polysaccharides, lactones, glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids, polyphenols, organic acids, unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamin A/C, dietary fiber and minerals such as Mg, Fe, Zn, Se and K. It has been reported to have the effects of helping produce saliva and slaking thirst, eliminating fatigue, refreshing mind, beautifying skin, reducing weight and relaxing the bowels, clearing lung and moistening dryness, preventing phlegm from forming and stopping coughing, nourishing yin and tonifying kidney, preventing cancer, resisting aging and anxiety, relieving pain, resisting inflammation and bacteria, and preventing and curing cardiovascular diseases. It is also known as the "king of fruit"[1].
  Commonly cultivated passion fruit trees fruit in the same year of planting, so passion fruit industry is a road to make money with less investment and quick effect. Passion fruit trees have many vertical and elegant branches and many leaves, and are always green. This plant suffers from less pests and diseases, and has strong tolerance to heat and cold. Its leaf shape is strange, the flower is large with bright color, and the fruit viewing period is long. The trees can be planted in gardens, rooftop gardens, etc., with an excellent beautifying effect. Passion fruit has become a trendy horticultural crop and floriculture flower. Passion fruit is also suitable for cultivation in pots and garden frames. The pulp of passion fruit can be processed to produce dew, jam, jelly and candied fruit. The seeds have an oil content of 21%, and the oil quality is comparable to sunflower oil, suitable for cooking. Passion fruit mainly contains flavonoids, triterpenoids and alkaloids, which are beneficial to the human body. It has many biological activities including resistance to oxidation, bacteria and fatigue and neuroprotection. It has been pointed out in literatures that flavonoids and triterpenoids in passion fruit have certain antidepression, antidepression and other spiritual protective effects; the polyphenols and polysaccharides have antioxidant and bacteriostatic effects; the seeds and leaf extracts have certain antimicrobial activity against fungi, Gramnegative bacteria, Grampositive bacteria, Enterobacter aerogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli; and passion fruit extract has anticancer, gastrointestinal protecting, blood pressure lowering and diabetes preventing effects. The pectin extracted from the pericarp of passion fruit is a good stabilizer and thickener for food processing; its roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine; and the essence extracted from passion fruit is a good additive for snacks and alcohol[3-5].   Botanic Characteristics
  Passion fruit is a perennial evergreen climbing vine that is not resistant to moisture and has strong drought resistance. The stems are cylindrical in shape and can be up to 10 m in length, and the stems of old plants are lignified. The leaves are ovoid or ovate, thickly membranous to papery, shallow to deeply 3lobed, and the leaf axils have curled tendrils. Flowers are solitary in leaf axils, with five petals, which are lanceolate to oblonglanceolate; and the filamentous corollas are arranged annularly, apex white, base purplish red. Each flower has five stamens with large elliptic anthers, green filaments having purple spots thereon, and concrescent bases; and the pistils are attached on the stigmas of stamens, 3lobed, with light yellow ovaries. Three of the stamens are lower with short filaments, less than 1/2 of the length of the style, the anthers are flat, large, downwardly covered, and the pollen grows at the lower part. The fruit is spherical to ovate, 3 to 4 cm in diameter, longitudinally 5 to 7 cm, transversely 4 to 6 cm, glabrous, purple when ripe, green when young, with the single fruit weight of 60-120 g; the pericarp is tough; and the pulp is yellow, and turns purple after ripening. The pericarp is hard and thick, leathery, and the endocarp is white. The aril is white or light yellow, orangeyellow, transparent, and the seeds are completely covered, black in color, and almond in shape.
  Cultivation Status
  Passion fruit is native to South America (southern Brazil). The main countries and regions in the world that cultivate passion fruit are Brazil, Peru, Hawaii, Thailand, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Kenya, Panama, Ecuador, Fiji, India, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Malaysia, Japan, Guatemala, South Africa and Australia.
  Passion fruit was introduced to China in 1979 and successfully cultivated in Fujian Province in 1984. At present, the main producing areas in China include Nantou, Taidong, Tainan, Yunlin, Miaoli and other places in Taiwan. Passion fruit is also planted in Mashan County of Nanning, Liujiang County of Liuzhou, Binyang County, Wuxuan County of Laibin City, Rongan County of Liuzhou, Qinzhou City, Tianyang County and Jingxi County of Baise prefecture and Lingchuan County of Guilin in Guangxi,  Fuzhou City, Yongan City, Yongtai County, Nanan City, Shunchang County of Nanping City, Xinluo District of Longyan City, Baisha, Hongfang, and Hulei in Fujian Province, Harbin City of Heilongjiang Province, Zhanjiang City of Guangdong Province, Zhangzhou of Hainan Province, Mei County of Meizhou City, Panxi of Sichuan Province, Yunnan, Yunyang County of Chongqing and other provinces and autonomous regions[1,6-8].   Common Varieties
  Purplish red fruit series
  Yellow and purple passion fruit hybrids are common varieties. The pericarp is purplered, with obvious star type spots thereon. The fruit is oblong, and the single fruit weight is 100-130 g. These varieties have strong cold resistance and vigorous growth, and can be selfpollinated. The pulp content is up to 40%, and the pulp is orange yellow, tastes very fragrant, and has a sugar content of 21%. The fruit can be eaten in fresh or processed. The cultivars are mainly Zixing (Fig. 1), Tainong 1 (Fig. 2), and Tainong 2 (Fig. 3). The characteristics of the varieties are shown in Table 1.
  Yellow fruit series
  The fruit is round and has obvious star type spots thereon, and is 6-12cm in length, 47 cm in diameter. The pericarp is bright yellow when ripe, and is 31 cm thick. The single fruit weight is 80-100 g.The pulp is yellow orange with a content up to 45%, and has good flavor. The pulp has a pH value of about 2.5, and is suitable for processing. The stems and tendrils are purple. This series has strong growth vigor, many flowers, high yield, strong disease resistance, low selfpollination and fruit setting rates, no need for artificial supplementary pollination and no cold tolerance. The cultivars are mainly Yee, Sevcik, Kapoho, University, Round and Pratt in Hawaii, GoiasCol in Brazil, Peru Yuanxing, Fanmei and Weiqi bred by Taiwan, China, and Huangjin (Fig. 4), Changhuang 511 (Fig. 5), Taiguozhong, Huayang 4, Ao A, Ao B, Huayang 2, Huayang 7, Yanghuang, Shanhuang, Guyana and Huazi planted in mainland China. The variety characteristics are shown in Table 2.
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  Editor: Yingzhi GUANG Proofreader: Xinxiu ZHU
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