第一讲 农业试验统计的有关概念

来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yujiesky
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农业生产在大田进行,是受自然环境条件影响的。农业新技术的推广应用,新品种的筛选及引进等,都必须在田间条件下进行试验,以便为农业生产提供可靠的依据。目前,在农业科学试验中,应用数理统计学去处理各项试验的数据资料,已被国内外广人科技工作者所重视,农业试验统计在农业生产中发挥着重要的作用。为此,广大基层科技人员,有必要了解农业试验统计的基本知识。一、什么是农业试验统计农业试验统计是应用数理统计原理来研究农业科学数量现象的科学,也是将农业试验设计及结果分析与数理统计学原理相结合的边缘科学。它的主要内容有两个方面:一是应用统计学原理,对农业科学试验进行合理的设计,即以最少的耗费获得最精确的试验结果;二是在采用的合理试验设计的基础上,对试验结果进行科学的分析,以便剔除环境条件及其偶然因素所造成的误差,揭示生物本身所 Agricultural production in the field is affected by the natural environmental conditions. The popularization and application of new agricultural technologies, screening and introduction of new varieties, etc., must be carried out under field conditions in order to provide a reliable basis for agricultural production. At present, in the agricultural science experiment, the application of mathematical statistics to deal with the data of various experiments has been taken seriously by many domestic and foreign scientists and technicians. The agricultural experiment statistics play an important role in agricultural production. To this end, the majority of grassroots scientific and technological personnel, it is necessary to understand the basic knowledge of agricultural experiment statistics. First, what is the agricultural experiment statistics Agricultural experiment statistics is the science of the application of mathematical statistics to study the phenomenon of agricultural science, but also the agricultural experiment design and results analysis and mathematical statistics theory of the edge of the combination of science. Its main content has two aspects: First, the application of statistical principles, reasonable design of agricultural science experiments, that is, with the least cost to obtain the most accurate test results; the second is based on the use of reasonable experimental design, the The test results are scientifically analyzed in order to eliminate the error caused by environmental conditions and accidental factors and to reveal the biology itself
1988—1989年在西宁半旱作条件下的研究结果表明,千粒重大于30g 的甜燕麦和444燕麦的播量为15kg/亩,千粒重小于30g 的永101燕麦为12.5kg/亩;播种方式条播优于撒播;最适宜的播