
来源 :预算管理与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wolfboy5566
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近几年来,捐赠收入占高等学校总收入的比重越来越大。由于捐赠收入包罗万象,并且具有隐蔽性强,不用纳税等特点,一些学校将超范围、超标准的收费收入、应税的经营收入等,也粉饰为捐赠收入。因此,加强和规范捐赠收入核算,是不容忽视的问题。一、现行捐赠收入核算规定存在的问题《事业单位会计准则》规定:事业单位取得的投资收益、利息收入、捐赠收入等应当作为其他收入处理。 In recent years, the contribution of donations to the total tertiary institutions is increasing the proportion of total income. Due to the all-encompassing donation income, as well as the characteristics of concealed nature and non-payment of tax, some schools also spread over-scope and over-standard fee income and taxable operating income as donations. Therefore, to strengthen and standardize the donation revenue accounting, can not be ignored. First, the existing donation revenue accounting rules existing problems “Accounting Standards for Business Units” provides: institutions to obtain investment income, interest income, donations income should be treated as other income.
Background Macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF)is a pleiotropic cytokine that controls inflammatory processes,and inflammation is known to play an import
在气相色谱分析中,选择操作条件的经常工作是根据分析对象,确定适宜的柱温和载气流速。我们应用二次多项式这一数学模型,来描述柱液和流速对总分离效果TS的影响: TS=β_0+β
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。科技支撑生态网络建设 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Science an
In my geological reconnaissance in east Yunnan in 1914 I collected from a series of shales, sandstones and impure limestones, which underly the Lower DeVonian
在这个人面前,你别想轻易投篮;在这个人面前,不管你多会飞、多会跳,他都有办法让你灰头土脸;在这个铁血硬汉面前,就连最顽强的病魔,都得举白旗投降! In front of this perso