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彩色故事片《长排山之战》主题集中情节紧凑,不仅作为战例片是成功的,而且从战争题材的故事片这个角度来看也很有特色.很多看过这部影片的同志都说:《长排山之战》拍得好! 这部影片不同于《花枝俏》、《铁甲008》、《自豪吧!母亲》、《年轻的朋友》等同类影片,它没有冗长的废话,没有去写任何一个与战斗不相干的“闲人”,打仗就是打仗,长排山就是长排山,打破了“战争加爱情”的战争片新公式.在风行以艳丽的时髦衣裙和穿插男欢女爱的镜头来凑“战争戏”的时候,这部影片拍得如此干净利落,就显得清新可爱。而且影片中的战争的真实感很强,使人如临其境;我军指战员的机智勇敢,威震敌胆的英雄主义精神也在其中得到 The feature film “Battle of the Pai Pai Mountains” focuses on a tight plot, not only as a success story, but also from the point of view of the war film. Many of the comrades who watched the film said: Battle of the Paladins “Good! The film is different from the” Flowers “,” armor 008 “,” pride it! Mother, “” Young Friends “and other similar films, it is no lengthy nonsense, did not go to write any A ”idle man“ who has nothing to do with fighting, war is the war, the long mountain is the long mountain, breaking the ”war and love,“ the war film new formula in the popular fashion with colorful dress and love male and female interspersed When the camera came together for a ”war show," the film was so neat and fresh that it looked lovely and refreshing. And the war in the film is so authentic and immersive; the heroic spirit of our military commanders and soldiers, the heroic spirit of the Megatron and the enemy, are also obtained therein
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本试验包括(台湾)黄山松(Pinus ta wanensis Hay)自然分布区内八个国有林区的二十四个后代。试验的主要目的是研究遗传改良基础的种内变异。研究方法是:在同一生长条件下观
引言 小兴安岭伊春地区是阔叶红松林(以下简称红松林)分布集中的地带,由于多年来不合理的采伐、森林火灾以及乱砍滥伐,大面积天然红松林遭到破坏,据统计现红松林只剩下20.8
文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge.)是我国北部地区特有的木本油料植物和观赏树种,其开花繁茂、花色艳丽,种仁含油率高达60%左右,可供食用和工业用,综合利用价值高,且耐
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