第一讲 企业经营国际化的发展背景及其启示

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当前世界经济的两大发展趋势即是区域集团化和企业国际化、市场全球化。这已属于当代人们对世界经济的共识。我国企业面对世界经济的两大潮流,毫无疑义,也要走上国际化经营之路,积极参与国际市场竞争和国际分工。最近,中共中央、国务院关于加快发展第三产业的决定中指出“鼓励扩大国际化经营,……有条件的要努力向境外发展,积极兴办海外中资企业。”同时,工业大中企业,企业集团的对外贸易自主权问题也将会解决。因此,有条件的国营大中企业从事国际化经营的历史使命无疑为题中之义,势所必然。为了满足我国企业从事国际化经营实际需要而开辟的系列讲座,本文作为第一讲,专就战后发展到现在的全球国际化经营活动的演变背景及其作用作一概述,希望国内专家学者、企业界人士阅后提出意见。同时,欢迎各方来稿积极参加我们的讲座。 The two major trends in the current world economy are regional groupings and internationalization of enterprises and market globalization. This belongs to the consensus reached by contemporary people on the world economy. In the face of the two major trends in the world economy, our enterprises have no doubt that they should embark on the path of international operation and actively participate in the international market competition and international division of labor. Recently, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decided in its decision to speed up the development of the tertiary industry that “encourage the expansion of international operations, ... make efforts to expand overseas and actively set up overseas Chinese-funded enterprises when conditions permit.” Meanwhile, large and medium-sized industrial enterprises The group’s foreign trade autonomy will also be resolved. Therefore, it is inevitable that the historic mission of a state-owned large and medium-sized state-owned enterprise engaging in international operations undoubtedly will be justified. In order to meet the practical needs of Chinese enterprises engaged in international business and opened up a series of lectures, this article as the first lecture, specifically on the development of the post-war global evolution of global business activities and its role in the background and make an overview, I hope the domestic experts and scholars, Business people read comments after reading. At the same time, all parties are welcome to participate actively in our lecture.
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