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一、“双高一横”作业题要考什么 很多考生在备考一开始就决定放弃“两高一横”这道作业题。为什么做这样的选择。主要是他们看到考试大纲规定的考试内容太广泛,不了解这道题是考什么,所以不知从何处入手准备。 为了能使备考复习“有的放矢”,首要的问题是要搞清楚“双高一横”要考什么,明确了这点就好准备了。如果我们对近几年来的考题作一回顾,就可以清楚地看到“双高一横”作业题的考试范围亦是十分明确的,仅是考试大纲中规定的一个特定部分。明确了考试的范围,复习工作就好开展了。 二、从已考过的考题看“双高一横”要考什么 现将已出台的四次考试内容作一回顾、见表1。 从表1可以清楚地看到“双高一横”要考的主体 First, the “double high and a horizontal” task to test what Many candidates at the beginning of the preparation of the test decided to give up the “two high and one horizontal” this homework problem. Why do such a choice. The main reason is that they see that the content of the exams prescribed in the exam outline is too wide. They do not understand what this exam is for, so they do not know where to start. In order to enable the review to “review”, the first question is to find out what “double high and one horizontal” is going to test, and make it clear that this is ready. If we review the examination questions in recent years, we can clearly see that the examination scope of the “double high and one horizontal” assignment is very clear, and is only a specific part of the syllabus. The scope of the exam was clarified and the review work was well carried out. Second, from the examination of the exam questions to see what “double high and one horizontal” to test what is now the contents of the four examinations have been introduced for a review, see Table 1. From Table 1, we can clearly see the main subject of “double high and one horizontal”
家庭教育是一切教育的基础,它融于日常生活之中。教育与生活在时间、空间、活动上往往是统一的,更容易被孩子所接受。为充分优化学校、社区 Family education is the basis
一、当前青少年违法犯罪的基本情况和主要特点 青少年违法犯罪加剧、增多,已成为全社会普遍关注的问题。据报道,去年全国公安机关共接报刑事案件166.1万起,刑事案件发案率为