浙江省台州医院 全国卫生系统先进集体、三级甲等医院

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浙江省台州医院是一家集医疗、科研、教学、预防为一体的现代化三级甲等医院,其前身为1901年的恩泽医局,现有临海和路桥两个院区。在编员工1844人,博士9人,硕士103人;医院开放床位1500张,年门诊149万人次,出院5.87万人次,是温州医学院附属医院、浙江大学医学院教学医院、美国芝加哥医学院、瑞典歌德堡大学医学院友好医院。医院重视学科建设,实施人才战略:有5名专家享受国务院特殊津贴,35名骨干入选浙江省“151”跨世纪人才工程;有16个台州市重点学科,占全市总数的4/5。医院已开展心脏移植、异体肝移植、非体外循环下冠状动脉搭桥术、胸腔镜下食管癌切除术、多指再造、冠状动脉扩张和支架植八术、射频消融术,自体骨髓移植、腹腔镜手术、内镜下胰胆管造影、微创胆胰管取石及支架术等项目。99年以来获省政府科技进步奖10项,省卫生厅医学科技进步奖9项,台州市政府科技进步奖20项。台州市放射、麻醉、病理、临床检验、护理、院内感染、药事管理质控中心,糖尿病、心脑血管病防治中心、药物不良反应检测中心均设在本院。医院以病人为中心、以质量为核心,追求零距离服务,三次荣获“全国卫生系统先进集体”荣誉称号,是浙江省示范文明医院和省级文明单位。2003年荣获“省职工职业道德建设‘十佳单位”称号,是全省惟一一家获此殊荣的医疗机构。2004年荣获首届“全国医院文化建设先进集体”称号。在充满希望和挑战的新世纪里,医院将以最大程度满足全社会日益增长的健康需求为目标,围绕“一个中心”(病人为中心),把握“二个基本点”(让病人满意、让员工满意),依靠“三大要素”(服务、技术、人才),创建服务宾馆化、技术专业化、行动军事化、管理企业化的“四化医院”。 Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province is a modern three-tier A hospital that integrates medical treatment, scientific research, teaching, and prevention. Its predecessor was Enze Medical Bureau in 1901, and it has two districts of Linhai and Luqiao. It has 1844 employees, 9 doctors, and 103 masters. The hospital has 1,500 open beds, 1.49 million visits per year, and 58,700 discharges. It is a affiliated hospital of Wenzhou Medical College, a teaching hospital of Zhejiang University Medical School, and a Chicago medical school. Swedish University of Gothenburg Medical School Hospital. The hospital attaches great importance to the construction of disciplines and implements the talent strategy: 5 experts have enjoyed special allowances from the State Council, 35 are selected for the “151” cross-century talent project in Zhejiang Province, and 16 key disciplines in Taizhou account for 4/5 of the total number of the city. The hospital has undergone cardiac transplantation, allogeneic liver transplantation, off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, thoracoscopic esophageal cancer resection, multi-finger reconstruction, coronary artery dilation and stent implantation, radiofrequency ablation, autologous bone marrow transplantation, and laparoscopy. Surgery, endoscopic pancreaticobiliary angiography, minimally invasive biliary and pancreatic duct stones and stenting and other items. In the past 99 years, it has won 10 Provincial Science and Technology Progress Awards, 9 Provincial Health Department Medical Science and Technology Progress Awards, and Taizhou Municipal Government Science and Technology Progress Award 20. Taizhou City Center for Radiation, Anesthesia, Pathology, Clinical Laboratory, Nursing, Nosocomial Infections, Pharmaceutical Administration Quality Control Center, Diabetes, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Prevention and Control Center, and Adverse Drug Reaction Detection Center are all located in this hospital. The hospital is patient-centered and quality-centered, and it pursues zero-distance service. It has won the honorary title of “National Advanced Collective of Health System” three times. It is a model civilization hospital in Zhejiang Province and a provincial civilized unit. In 2003, it was awarded the title of “Top Ten Units for Provincial Occupational Ethics Construction” and is the only medical institution in the province that has won this honor. In 2004, he won the title of “Advanced Collective of National Hospital Culture Construction”. In the new century full of hopes and challenges, the hospital will aim to meet the growing health needs of the society as a whole, focusing on “one center” (patient-centered) and grasping “two basic points” (to make patients satisfied and allow Employees are satisfied. They rely on the “three major elements” (services, technology, and talents) to create “four hospitals” that serve hotelization, technical specialization, militarization of operations, and management.
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