Research in non-equalization machining method for spatial cam

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qtjqty
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Many kinds of devices with cam have been widely used in various mechanical equipments. However, non-equalization machining for spatial cam trough remains to be a difficult problem. This paper focuses on the analysis of running conditions and machining processes of spatial cam with oscillating follower. We point out the common errors in the biased distance cutting. By analyzing the motion of oscillating follower of spatial cam, we present a new 3D curve expansion model of spatial cam trough-outline. Based on this model, we have proposed a machining method for trochoidal milling with non-equalization diameter cutter. This new method has led to a creative and effective way for non-equalization diameter machining for spatial cam with oscillating follower. Many, of non-equalization machining for spatial cam trough remains to be a difficult problem. This paper focuses on the analysis of running conditions and machining processes of spatial cam with oscillating follower . We point out the common errors in the biased distance cutting. By analyzing the motion of oscillating follower of spatial cam, we present a new 3D curve expansion model of spatial cam trough-outline. Based on this model, we have proposed a machining method This new method has led to a creative and effective way for non-equalization diameter machining for spatial cam with oscillating follower.
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